QUIZ: How Much Shade Has Liam Payne Thrown At You Through The One Direction Years?

Seeing as he's bloody loving it today

Created by Sugarscape (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Pick an iconic Liam Payne tweet.

Pick an iconic Liam Payne Instagram pic

Which era Liam has a special place in your heart?

CONTROVERSIAL ONE. Sophiam or Payzer?

Pick a modern slang term that Liam probably had to google the meaning of

How would you feel if you were personally shaded by Liam James Payne?

And now, as we conclude this insightful quiz, pick a sassy Liam face to live by.

A teeny tiny cocktail umbrella's worth of shade

A teeny tiny cocktail umbrella's worth of shade

Shade In The AM, babes.

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A large, wide brimmed hat's worth of shade

A large, wide brimmed hat's worth of shade

Approximately as much shade as his snazzy fedora makes on the Made in the AM cover.

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A slightly soggy umbrella's worth of shade

A slightly soggy umbrella's worth of shade

You are the Real Slim Shady, aren't you?

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A giant beach parasol's worth of shade

A giant beach parasol's worth of shade

Shady af.

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Crikey, A PALM TREE's worth of shade

Crikey, A PALM TREE's worth of shade

Consider it an honour and a privilege.

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A lunar eclipse's worth of shade

A lunar eclipse's worth of shade

Are you a #lazyjourno? Because you can consider yourself SLAYED.

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