QUIZ: Which 'Orange Is The New Black' Character Are You?


Created by Sugarscape (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Uh oh. You're in handcuffs and you're on the way to prison - what did you do?

Pick a shade of orange..

What Taylor Swift song sums up your feeling towards breakups?

Pick a shade of black..

So you've just arrived in prison and you get one phone call. Who would it be?

Who would your 'Orange Is The New Black' BFF be?

Finally, you get to take one luxury item into your cell. What would it be?

Piper Chapman

Piper Chapman

MORE QUIZZES: http://on.sugarsca.pe/1wWREM6

Alex Vause

Alex Vause

MORE QUIZZES: http://on.sugarsca.pe/1wWREM6

Lorna Morello

Lorna Morello

MORE QUIZZES: http://on.sugarsca.pe/1wWREM6

Suzanne "Crazy Eyes" Warren

Suzanne "Crazy Eyes" Warren

MORE QUIZZES: http://on.sugarsca.pe/1wWREM6

Dayanara Diaz

Dayanara Diaz

MORE QUIZZES: http://on.sugarsca.pe/1wWREM6

Sophia Burset

Sophia Burset

MORE QUIZZES: http://on.sugarsca.pe/1wWREM6

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