What 'Hey Everybody!' part-time job should you get?
What 'Hey Everybody!' part-time job should you get?
The job interview to end all job interviews.
The job interview to end all job interviews.

What do you want from your job?
What do you have to offer an establishment?
If you were a biscuit, what sort of biscuit would you be?
Someone you work with nicks your phone and likes all of your bosses cringe Instagram pics. What do you do?
In a team, you are the _____ one.
Do you want to work inside or outside?
Pick a workplace cliche
Who would win in a mud wrestle between Katy Perry and Taylor Swift?
Pro Wrestler
Pro Wrestler
Wearing spandex and having your face rammed into the floor/someone else's arm pit? SURE THANG.
Dog walker
Dog walker
Picking up poo for a living ftw.
Children's Entertainer
Children's Entertainer
There's nothing like having a 6-yr-old pepped up on rice krispy cakes so excited that they vomit on your novely dragon costume.
Just general office LOLs
Just general office LOLs
You're about as serious as a monkey in a balaclava so it's something simple like data entry for you.
You're all about that hip hop lyf.
Dude in a hot dog costume
Dude in a hot dog costume
Free food = worth having to get your buns out in public.