Which RJ The Tour Dog Are You?
Which RJ The Tour Dog Are You?
Woof woof
Woof woof

If you woke up as a dog, what's the first thing you'd do?
Pick a doggy outfit
Which famous dog are you most like IRL?
When we say 'WOOF', you say...?
Pick a dog name.
Which partying dog do you love the most?
What would your doggie party trick be?
Have a snack.
Fashionista RJ
Fashionista RJ
There ain't no other dog in town prancing about in a sassy little hotdog outfit.
Derp face RJ
Derp face RJ
Up close and personal is the best kind of RJ, especially when it also involves being up close and personal with Hemmo.
Instagram emo RJ
Instagram emo RJ
No one does a jaunty side profile staring off into the distance like RJ. And Calum.
Napping RJ
Napping RJ
Hey, a dog's gotta get his beauty sleep to look this hot all day long.
Spooning-Calum RJ
Spooning-Calum RJ
You aren't afraid to lie on your back with your stomach in the air if it means Calum's gonna give it a scratch.
Sassy RJ
Sassy RJ
"Calum you better let me lie on your lap and you better not stop rubbing me on the stomach or I may be forced to wee in your suitcase"