What's Your Gender Identity
What's Your Gender Identity
Here you can find your trully gender identity
Here you can find your trully gender identity
What sex u were born with?
How do you see yourself as?
You identified yourself as a Male.
If you were born with vagina, you're a Transgender.
You identified yourself as a Female.
If you were born with penis, you're a Transgender.
You identified yourself as an Agender.
Whether you were born with penis, vagina, or not sure. You don't want to identify yourself as a female or male either both of them.
You identified yourself as a Bigender.
Whether you were born with penis, vagina or not sure. You identified yourself as a male and female. Sometimes male-ity part of you is dominant and sometimes the Female-ity is dominant Or could be both.
You identified yourself as a Pangender.
Whether you were born with penis, vagina or not sure. You identified yourself as a male, female, sometimes none of them
Gender Queer
Gender Queer
You identified yourself as a GenderQueer
Whether you were born with penis or vagina or not sure. You don't like to identify yourself as a male, female, both of them or none of them. Screw gender!