What Color Are You On The Uniform Color Code For Utility Markings?
What Color Are You On The Uniform Color Code For Utility Markings?
Are you a rowdy red, blissful blue or Grinchy green? In honor of 811 Day on August 11, Arizona 811 presents a totally-unscientific-but-fun personality quiz to find out which color on the Uniform Color Code for Utility Markings best represents you. No matter what color you are, always contact 811 before you dig. Knowing the location of buried utilities and working safely around them prevents serious injuries and protects our vital services.
Are you a rowdy red, blissful blue or Grinchy green? In honor of 811 Day on August 11, Arizona 811 presents a totally-unscientific-but-fun personality quiz to find out which color on the Uniform Color Code for Utility Markings best represents you. No matter what color you are, always contact 811 before you dig. Knowing the location of buried utilities and working safely around them prevents serious injuries and protects our vital services.

How do you like to spend your weekends?
What is your idea of a dream vacation?
You won the lottery! What will you do with your newfound riches?
If you knew you'd be stuck on a remote island for a year, what is the one item you'd bring?
If you could eat only one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you had to live in one of these world cities, which one would it be?
What is your favorite sport/activity to participate in or play?
What's your favorite way to relax?
What type of music are you most likely to listen to?
White - well organized, advance planner
White - well organized, advance planner
White on the Uniform Color Code signifies a proposed dig site. You are well organized and professional. You like to plan in advance and follow the rules. You are known for being cautious are careful and you don't like to make mistakes.
SAFE DIGGING TIP: Mark out your dig site with white paint or white flags so utility locators can easily find it. Only use white to specify a dig site. Never use any color other than white.
Pink - popular and fun loving
Pink - popular and fun loving
Pink on the Uniform Color Code stands for temporary survey markings. You are popular and fun-loving and you enjoy being the life of the party. A true thrill-seeker, you prefer to live in the moment and avoid getting tied down.
SAFE DIGGING TIP: It's easy to know what's below no matter where you are digging: 811 is the number to call in all 50 states to have buried utilities located and marked in advance.
Red - Bold and energetic
Red - Bold and energetic
Red on the Uniform Color Code stands for electric power. Like this bold color, you are energetic and exciting - never boring, shy or withdrawn. You have charisma that attracts people to you, much like a rock star or popular politician. You stand up for what you believe in and are never afraid to share your opinions.
SAFE DIGGING TIP: Electricity travels at 186,000 miles per second, causing serious injuries in an instant. Know where electric lines are buried and always use caution working around them.
Yellow - On the go!
Yellow - On the go!
Yellow on the Uniform Color Code signifies natural gas, chemical gas and liquid gases, such as gasoline and jet fuel. No, you are not full of hot air nor do you have a foul odor. You are active and always on the go. When you're not busy with hobbies or sports, you love to travel and explore new places. You don't have time to relax and slow down -- there's just too much to see and do!
SAFE DIGGING TIP: Depth is not guaranteed, which means utilities can be just a few inches or several feet beneath the surface. Whether digging with hand tools or mechanized equipment, watch out for lines, pipes and cables.
Orange - Did someone say techno-gadget?
Orange - Did someone say techno-gadget?
Orange on the Uniform Color Code identifies communications lines and cable TV. It should come as no surprise that you're all about communication, social media, pop culture and techno-gadgets. You'll camp out days in advance to buy the latest and greatest mobile device and you can't stand to be disconnected from the world. You know who and what is trending and what news is breaking. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat are just a few of the social networks you're glued to, and you can't wait for what is coming next.
SAFE DIGGING TIP: Do not dig until 100% of the utilities listed on your 811 ticket have responded by marking their lines or informing you they have nothing in conflict. If you have questions about the marks, call 811 for assistance.
Blue - Cool, calm and collected
Blue - Cool, calm and collected
Blue on the Uniform Color Code stand for water. You are cool, calm and collected. You understand the importance of relaxation and never let yourself get too stressed out. When the going gets tough you take a deep breath and count to 10. Life's too short to be tense and you have no time for bad vibes. You're on a first-name basis with your massage therapist and yoga instructor.
SAFE DIGGING TIP: If your utility-location marks are damaged or destroyed, call 811 to have them refreshed. Marks must be visible and valid for the duration of your digging project.
Purple - Earth Day advocate
Purple - Earth Day advocate
Purple on the Uniform Color Code stands for reclaimed or recycled water. You have a healthy respect for the environment and have been toting around your own re-usable grocery bags since before it was trendy. You are conscientious and kind. You care deeply about others in need and prefer to volunteer your time building houses for low-income families or helping pets get adopted from the local shelter. You strive to make the world a better place.
SAFE DIGGING TIP: If you accidentally hit a buried utility, call the facility owner/operator right away to report the strike. Never try to repair it yourself or bury it and leave.
Green - Bah humbug to you, too!
Green - Bah humbug to you, too!
Green on the Uniform Color Code is used to signify sanitary sewer systems. We're not saying you're an ogre, but your favorite character on Sesame Street is Oscar the Grouch. You can be argumentative and stubborn at times, and you don't like being told what to do. Deep down inside you have a big heart but you'd prefer that nobody knows.
SAFE DIGGING TIP: If you're digging around gas lines and begin to smell rotten eggs and/or hear a hissing sound, stop digging and immediately vacate the area. Run upwind and call 911 from a safe location to report a possible gas leak, then notify the gas company.