Which Port Sanford Hero Are You?

This quiz was designed by the Medical Bank of Greater Sanford (MBGS) to find out how many of you relate to some of the area's local heroes. Once completed, please post results so other sucke... uuuh... your friends can also help participate in this exercise. We thank you in advance for your support!

Suspended Animation
Created by Suspended Animation (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 6, 2017

If you were walking down the street and noticed someone was getting mugged, what action would you take?

The police have mistaken you as a criminal and have their guns pointed at you. Meanwhile the REAL crooks are getting away. What do you do?

You just get home from a long day at work when you notice your next door neighbors are having a loud party. Do you...

You're entering the woods. A monkey wearing a monk's uniform approaches you and demands all of your liquor. How do you react?

You're fighting a Vampire. How do you vanquish it?

You accidentally stumble onto a warehouse heist. The head of the gang offers you a bribe to forget what you saw. What do you do?

While visiting a kindergarten class on Hero Day, the room catches on fire. What do you do?

Paper Tiger

Paper Tiger


Although your heart is in the right place, you often find yourself as the source of chaos. When you shine, you like to include everyone in your light. You are always there for your friends - whether they want you there or not. You are always willing to fight for what's right - no matter what the odds are.

To learn more about this and other characters go to https://www.suspendedanimation.online/characters

Akira Jones

Akira Jones


You know how to handle a challenge! You can always depend on the wisdom of your mentors to guide you through the worst possible situations. Even though you come from an unconventional background, your love of food and games connects you to all of humanity.

To learn more about this and other characters go to https://www.suspendedanimation.online/characters

Captain Midnite

Captain Midnite


Despite your disdain for most of society's conventions, you fight against your own apathy to lend a hand now and then. You like to keep your mind on the task at hand and have no desire to dilly-dally. Although you have superior skills, you have no problem pulling back to let someone... anyone else go first.

To learn more about this and other characters go to https://www.suspendedanimation.online/characters

Captain Hooker

Captain Hooker


Are you a hero!?? Most of the time you are, but you're not above bending the rules and making a small profit on the side. Anything goes in your world as long as no friends or innocent bystanders get hurt. You always have a smile and a joke to keep things interesting and boost morale.

To learn more about this and other characters go to https://www.suspendedanimation.online/characters

Nancy Callahan

Nancy Callahan


You're a self-righteous narcissist who really doesn't get along with too many people, but in the end you know the difference between right and wrong. Your attitude however, isn't baseless. Your experience - along with a plethora of skills has jaded your sense of compassion and empathy. Nontheless, you often do the right thing when it comes down to brass tacks.

To learn more about this and other characters go to https://www.suspendedanimation.online/characters

Fishnet Fannie

Fishnet Fannie


Your sordid past often affects how you think others perceive you. You often mask your emotions with a quick smile or excessive rapport with strangers. You often find yourself "wearing the wrong skin" in fear that people will flaws with you. Sometimes though - when others cross the line of righteousness - you have no problem kicking an ass or two. You fight to keep others from going through the same Hell that torments you.

To learn more about this and other characters go to https://www.suspendedanimation.online/characters

Hogo Kubyashi

Hogo Kubyashi


You're a ninja - at least that's what everyone keeps telling you. You often find yourself fighting between the dichotomy of being a bodyguard and an assassin. You love your friends, but duty comes first. If it comes between you or them, it's usually you first

To learn more about this and other characters go to https://www.suspendedanimation.online/characters

Bootleg Bonnie

Bootleg Bonnie


Yeah, you're a badass and everyone can tell just by looking at you. You don't take any shit from anyone, yet you never have a chip on your shoulder. People are often surprised by your jovial nature and friendly persona. Still, you don't let people mistake your kindness for weakness and sure don't do windows.

To learn more about this and other characters go to https://www.suspendedanimation.online/characters

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021