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On Apr 7, 2018
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Which friend are you

What tv show is your favorite

go to ben and jerrys flavor

go to sonic order

what do you do in your free time

you'll probably run into me at

my favorite place on earth

who's your celebrity crush

where will you live one day

which superlative would you win

what's your catchphrase

Megan McGahey

Megan McGahey

Congrats! You're the mom friend! You spend lots of time with children and are the go-to girl for band-aids, Advil and a first aid kit. You can't go to bed without routinely washing your feet and taking a melatonin. You like a good nap. You are innately a nurturer and care about the people in your life deeply! You always take initiative

Alli Feille

Alli Feille

Congrats! You're the dumb baby! You are sweet, funny and love a good bath. You can always fill the room with laughter and somehow survive being the girl who gets roasted the most. People love you for your dogs and your boat and your ability to quote vines in any situation.

Libby Hurt

Libby Hurt

Congrats you're the cool aunt! You're one of the few white girls who can actually dance. You lack a license but that doesn't stop you from getting places because no one minds driving you around. You laugh is contagious and your heart is sweet, somehow you're a girl boss who manages to get everything done! You watch a lot of SNL and you have a mad eye for design.

Audrey Friend

Audrey Friend

Congrats, wanna be famous chef, you're the WAY older sis. You're sassy and you love the mall, gossip girl, and the real housewives of Dallas. You made it through your emo phase well but no one will ever let you live down your red hair. You are likely to be at a concert. You are the ULTIMATE TSWIFT FAN and have killer music taste. You're the meme queen and a go to vine girl. You are always there for people and are constant in the lives of others.

Kenzie Dennis

Kenzie Dennis

Congrats! You're the rebellious teen! You are bold and not afraid to speak your mind. When you love people, you realllllly love them (if you don't like someone you hate them!!!) You always seem to get injured somehow but you don't fail to bounce back. You'll be a kickass nurse one day

Lauren McCord

Lauren McCord

You are probably at George as you read this. You are such a people person and always encourage others. You are wise beyond your years and pursue things wholeheartedly. You are passionate and use your passions to stand up for and connect with others. You may not ever sleep but somehow you are still full of joy. Someday you will have the perfect Pinterest wedding.

Gaby Mungo

Gaby Mungo

Congrats! you're gaby mungo! One day you'll witness every solar eclipse but for now you are consistently overusing the phrase "your mom." You are full of joy and you can make anyone laugh, including yourself. You cry at your own jokes and are insanely brilliant. Your chaco tan is unsurpassed and you have a love for rollercoasters. You are loving. You don't take things too seriously but you know how to listen to others and comfort them. You're very spontaneous and there is NEVER a dull moment with you.

Which friend are you

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On Nov 18, 2021