Which "Peanuts" Character Are You?
Which "Peanuts" Character Are You?
"The Peanuts Movie" will FINALLY be out on November 6, but it's never too early to start doing your Snoopy dance! Take this quiz to find out which iconic character you are!
"The Peanuts Movie" will FINALLY be out on November 6, but it's never too early to start doing your Snoopy dance! Take this quiz to find out which iconic character you are!

Pick a color!
What's your biggest weakness?
What's your favorite school subject?
When you're having a bad day, you tend to...
Which animal do you relate to most?
Which word best describes you?
Pick an emoji!
Which song do you love to dance to?
Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown
You’re definitely Charlie Brown! You’re sweet, kind and sometimes shy, and even though things don’t always go your way, you always persevere. You can’t be bright and sunny ALL the time, but for the most part you’re optimistic and determined to get what you want out of life. Even when you don’t succeed, you know you’re another step closer to victory. Overall, you’re a good man (or woman), Charlie Brown!
Lucy van Pelt
Lucy van Pelt
You’re Lucy! You’ve always known what you wanted out of life, and you’ve got an opinion on just about everything. You’re never, ever afraid to speak your mind and dole out advice. People mistake your confidence and leadership skills as bossiness, but that’s totally their loss. You know you’re awesome, so that never gets to you. However, you may be a BIT mean to your crush. Give them a break every once in a while!
Peppermint Patty
Peppermint Patty
You’re Peppermint Patty! You’re definitely a bit of a rebel. You aren’t a big fan of labels or conforming to whatever expectations are put on you, and if you’re a girl, you’re probably a big tomboy. You’re also a natural athlete. You love coming up with nicknames for people and you’re laid back about most situations, which can get you in trouble when others expect you to be serious!
You’re Pig-Pen! You love to do your own thing, and you really don’t care about what others think of you. You’re a bit of a mess, and you have a lot of trouble staying clean and not spilling on yourself the second you change into a fresh set of clothes. Your room is NEVER organized, but you always know where everything is. You’re also a major advocate of the idea that shampooing every day is the WORST thing you can do to your hair.
You’re definitely Schroeder! You’re all about discipline. When you decide you want to pursue a hobby, you give it your all, and when you’re focused and in the zone, it’s impossible to distract you from doing what you love. You’re a bit of an old soul and you love all things classic, including music. However, make sure you don’t get so wrapped up in your hobbies that you start to ignore the important things!
You’re Snoopy! Basically, everyone loves you. You’re a social butterfly who loves to make new friends, even when you don’t say much. You’re generally super happy, and when you’re friends are feeling down, you’re always the one to help pick them back up. However, you tend do to get lost in your overactive imagination. Not that that’s a bad thing!