How Many Awkward Moments From "Master of None" Have YOU Experienced?
How Many Awkward Moments From "Master of None" Have YOU Experienced?
In Aziz Ansari's new Netflix show, his character Dev is experiences many awkward moments that ring very true to all of us. Choose "yes" or "no" if you've experienced these situations and find out if you're the Master of Awkward!
In Aziz Ansari's new Netflix show, his character Dev is experiences many awkward moments that ring very true to all of us. Choose "yes" or "no" if you've experienced these situations and find out if you're the Master of Awkward!

Had to take the Plan B pill after the first date?
Had your date buy you Plan B?
Tried to close an automatic car door?
Had a drunken one-night stand with someone you have never met before?
Asked someone out who's not that into you?
Ask your crush to go on a date with you?
Have absolutely no chemistry with someone you're on a date with?
Found out your date is crazy?
Had your date do Cartman impressions out of the blue?
Took your date to a meat-friendly place only to find out that she/he is a vegetarian?
Had a long period of awkward silence during a date?
Broke that silence with a joke (that may or may not come across as funny)?
Received a mean email or text from someone, sent to you by mistake?
Accidentally sent someone a text not meant for their eyes?
Had to approach your superior about something they did to you that made you uncomfortable?
Had to itch your eye (and stopped to do so) during sex?
Skyped someone loudly in a public place?
Stepped on dog poop and got it all over your shoes?
Somebody walked in on you having sex?
Stuck in an elevator with someone you don't get along with?
Had to call your significant other out for doing something that annoys you?