What Percent Crazy Are You?
What Percent Crazy Are You?
Let's face it, we've all done something crazy in our lives.
Let's face it, we've all done something crazy in our lives.

Pick something crazy to do:
Your boyfriend/girlfriend just dumped you. What would you do?
What do you see?
Pick a psychopath:
Do you ever talk to yourself?
I like to get revenge.
I am manipulative.
I am an emotional person.
What do you secretly love doing?
Have you ever hallucinated before?
80% Crazy, 20% Human
80% Crazy, 20% Human
You are emotional, volatile, and super impulsive. But that's what makes you (20%) human. Everyone has reacted like you at least once in his or her life. You definitely don't think before you act. You are really sensitive and you tend to overreact a lot. Burning your ex's clothes after a breakup is something you would totally do. You may be irrational, but you're extremely adventurous. You're a daredevil. You'd jump off a plane during a thunderstorm if you could. You love taking chances and living on the edge!
36% Crazy, 64% Awesome
36% Crazy, 64% Awesome
You are pretty darn crazy, but you own your craziness. In a sense, you're like Miley Cyrus. You're outrageous and eccentric, but you are completely sure of yourself. You dress weird because you like it. In fact, being weird and quirky is who you are. You are not the "cuckoo crazy" type; you are the "crazy fun" type!
100% NOT Crazy
100% NOT Crazy
You are 100% not crazy. You are calm, rational, and definitely sane. You are very good at keeping your cool. You don't panic, even in the most stressful situations. You know how to properly control your emotions and manage your anxieties. You probably have a stable career and a happy relationship. Congratulations, you have your life together!!!
100% Certifiable
100% Certifiable
Somebody get you to the nuthouse, because you are certifiably crazy. You are definitely either a psychopath or a schizophrenic. You suffer from illusions of grandeur, hallucinations, and sociopathic tendencies. You have a murderous rage and an imbalanced sense of self. You should probably get help ASAP, or else we may have a "Psycho" sequel on our hands.