Which Disney Prince Will You Live Happily Ever After With?
Which Disney Prince Will You Live Happily Ever After With?
Your Prince Charming is waiting.
Your Prince Charming is waiting.

Pick an animal sidekick...
Where would you prefer to live?
I consider my soulmate to be. . .
My prince needs to be . . .
Which heroine do you relate to?
Which quality could you overlook?
Pick a love song:
And finally, do you believe in love at first sight?
Prince Charming
Prince Charming
You will end up with someone like Prince Charming. He is the perfect man - handsome, kind, chivalrous, and romantic. He will shower you with unconditional love and treat you like a beautiful princess. He will protect, honor, and respect you; and he will give you everything your heart desires.
Prince Eric
Prince Eric
Your prince will be Eric. He is dashing, chiseled, and totally swoon-worthy. He is friendly and a dog-person, which means he is super loyal and will do anything for you. You love to explore and you need your man to be as adventurous as you are. Together you two will travel the world from sea to shining sea.
Prince Naveen
Prince Naveen
You got Prince Naveen. He is a fun-loving and charismatic man who knows how to live life to the fullest. He loves music, dancing, and having a good time. He's a goofball, but that just means you will always be smiling when you are with him.
Your true love is Aladdin. He's an adventurous dreamer who will take you on a magnificent journey and show you a whole new world. He is steadfast, determined, and courageous. He is also very smooth and passionate. He definitely knows how to spark the magic between you two.
Flynn Rider
Flynn Rider
You like a man who's confident, which is why Flynn Rider is the prince for you. He is daring and little rebellious, but you want someone to keep you on your toes. He is a bit narcissistic, but once you get to know him, you'll learn how compassionate and sensitive he truly is.
Prince Phillip
Prince Phillip
You belong with Prince Phillip. He is your knight in shining armor. He is brave, strong, and heroic. He will protect you and make you feel safe. He is also incredibly gorgeous, easy-going, sweet, and caring. He will melt your heart and make your knees weak. Let's face it, he is the man of your dreams.