What Kind Of Tree Are You?
What Kind Of Tree Are You?
What kind of tree are you? Common? Uncommon? Do you grow fruits or blossoms? Find out on this quiz!
What kind of tree are you? Common? Uncommon? Do you grow fruits or blossoms? Find out on this quiz!
![Taemin Park](http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-RXUNwxyGxms/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAADI/1d3MbOBpvmw/photo.jpg?sz=50)
What is your dream place to live as a tree?
A bully calls you an idiot and punches you! How do you react?
Someone asks for your personal information! What do you do?
Politics or My Little Pony?
What was your last dream (that you remember) like?
Fruits or blossoms?
Your friends ask you to decide what to do for a fun day out. What do you choose?
Favorite movie genre?
Are you dating/Do you want to?
What annoys you the most out of these?
Last question! Favorite thing to drink as a tree?
Congrats...I guess? You are beautifully aggressive! Your fruitage is a seed with a spiky shell. Someone getting on your nerves? Pelt them with compact mines of death!
Crape Myrtle
Crape Myrtle
You are a Crape Myrtle! You are mainstream, and you usually go with the flow of things. For now, you struggle with finding your own style, but when you do, you will be stunning!
Willow (Weeping Willow)
Willow (Weeping Willow)
You are a Weeping Willow! Your leaves hang over your emotions, blocking the view of the inside. Every once and a while, at the right time, you reveal an entrance, and let people see what's really inside. You are very wise in your choice of friends.
Apple Tree
Apple Tree
You are an Apple Tree! Popular among people, and just overall a lovable person! Keep on being you!
You are a Cypress Tree! You are adaptable, and like the cypress, which grows "knees" above water to breath, you do well under pressure. Just take a deep breath!