Amazon’s 2020 Best Sellers From The Top 5 Categories
Amazon’s 2020 Best Sellers From The Top 5 Categories
Check out Amazon's Best Sellers of 2020
Check out Amazon's Best Sellers of 2020

We all know 2020 was a big year for online retailers. Due to more people staying indoors, shopping habits shifted drastically too - delivery straight to the home was the safest, most convenient option for most individuals. Did you know that over 95 million people have Amazon Prime memberships in the US? And yes, those members definitely made the most of being one this year. While we all turn to Amazon to deliver a large variety of essentials, it's cool to see what the real money makers were. Keep reading to find out what the best sellers were of 2020.
It's true, Amazon outdoes itself every year. This 2020 release has over 25,000 reviews and an almost perfect 5-star rating. Talk about popular. The all-new Echo Dot 4th Gen is loved for its new compact design which allows for crisp vocals and balanced bass for the full sound experience. You can also voice control your entertainment, control your smart home, ask Alexa any questions and connect with others instantly due to the easy hands-free calling system! Very cool.
Check it out here
The Wyze Cam v2 Indoor Smart Home Camera is the #1 Best Seller for good reason. For starters, it provides you with 1080p full HD live stream direct to your smartphone. This means you can always see what's going on, even if you're not in town. Reviewer Muerte explained that he owns real estate many states away and this product "has given [him] great nights sleep and zero worry about the status of my property." The product's motion tagging technology and night vision up to 30 feet away makes this all possible.
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Barack Obama's "A Promised Land" sold sold nearly 890,000 copies in the US and Canada in its first 24 hours, putting it on track to be the best selling presidential memoir in modern history. On Amazon specifically, the book has over 26,000 global ratings and 4.9/5 stars. Readers rave about the storyline - discussing Obama's very average, though important, childhood memories and how his younger years turned him into the person he is today. Was it his life before presidency or the secrets of the WH that he revealed which made this book so popular? Guess you'll have to check it out to find out!
A beanie... as a best seller?! Yes, we thought it was a bit hard to believe too. But this Carhatt Men's Knit Cuffed Beanie proved us wrong. With over 60,000 reviews and a full 5-star rating, it seems too good to be true. Some details to note about this beanie: it's 100% acrylic, stretchable, extremely durable, and provides a very versatile design for anyone out there to enjoy. At $40, it fits almost every head (a one-size-fits-all cap) and keeps you warm even in the coldest of winters.
Grab one for yourself here
For all you gamers out there: look no further than this top rated gaming chair perfected for all your needs. Reliable and supporting up to 300lbs, the chair is actually useful and comfortable for anyone - whether it's working in an office, playing games or watching shows. With over 28,000 great reviews, we've decided to let those who own the chair give you their insight...
"If you're looking to save some cash, and want something that is comfortable and quality, this chair is doing fine by me." -Matt from the US
"I've been using it almost a month, sitting almost all day because of my work and I really felt very comfortable with this chair." -Pablo from Mexico
"Easy to setup. Many reviews claimed it took them about 30 minutes, and it took me about that same amount of time." -Alex from the US
Check it out now
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