Do You Know if These Thanksgiving Facts Are TRUE or FALSE?
Do You Know if These Thanksgiving Facts Are TRUE or FALSE?
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See how many true/false questions you can guess correctly
Hooray - we've made it to the season of holidays, gratitude, giving, and JOY! Thanksgiving is up next and we want to see how much you know. Take the quiz below and find out...
In 2007, two turkeys earned a trip to Disney World on Thanksgiving Day
Abraham Lincoln was the first American president to declare Thanksgiving as a holiday
Native Americans used cranberries as a medicine
The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was the first store to sponsor a Thanksgiving parade
The first Thanksgiving lasted 2 days
Approximately 280 million turkeys are eaten each year in the US
Virginia was the first southern state to adopt a Thanksgiving Day in 1855
Forks were not used by the Pilgrims to eat Thanksgiving dinner
A baby turkey is called a nestling
An estimated 75% of Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving
All turkeys can fly
Thanksgiving occurs on the fourth Thursday of November
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