Tell Us What You Like To Eat And We’ll Match You With A Netflix Show
Tell Us What You Like To Eat And We’ll Match You With A Netflix Show
Find out which show you relate to
Find out which show you relate to

It's pretty interesting how food is not only such a big part of our lives, but also a large part of the shows we watch most. Take this quiz and we'll match your fave food choices to a popular Netflix series!
First, which breakfast would you choose?
What else?
What's your preferred morning beverage?
Which lunch would you choose?
What else?
What meal would you like most for dinner?
What else?
What would you choose for snack?
What else?
Lastly, what's your preferred dessert?
Schitt's Creek
Schitt's Creek
You have great taste in food! We think you'll like Schitt's Creek.
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Stranger Things
Stranger Things
With such fun food choices, we think you'd love Stranger Things!
Check out this quiz next.
The Office
The Office
You enjoy a wide variety of foods, and that's a good thing!
See what Office character you are next!
Emily in Paris
Emily in Paris
Just like Emily, you enjoy foods that'll look good for that Insta-post!
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First, which breakfast would you choose?
What did you think?
What did you think?