Answer With a Simple YES or NO and We’ll Guess If You're the Oldest, Middle or Youngest Sister
Answer With a Simple YES or NO and We’ll Guess If You're the Oldest, Middle or Youngest Sister
As long as you're honest, we'll get as close to the truth as possible.
As long as you're honest, we'll get as close to the truth as possible.

Did you know National Sisters Day is always celebrated on the first Sunday of August? And this year, that means it falls on August 7th. In honor of the special day, we've put together this quiz for you. Don't think we can guess which sister you are? Let's find out now...
Are you typically first to wake up in the morning?
Are you a dog parent?
Do you work remotely?
Would you consider yourself to be pretty independent?
Do you usually shower in less than 10 minutes?
Were you the first child in your family to get married?
Do you feel like you have more friends than your siblings?
Is your mom the first person you go to for advice?
Do you enjoy thrift shopping?
Would your family consider you the comedian of the bunch?
Youngest Sister
Youngest Sister
Awwww, we always love a younger sister! According to your responses, we feel you are the youngest sister in your family. You have a little bit of spunk and while you like to come off confident, you definitely lean on your older sister(s) for many things. Relationship advice, school trouble and more - they're there for you. Enjoy it!
Middle Sister
Middle Sister
According to your responses, we believe you're a middle sister! You have both an older sister to lean on and one to teach as they go through the stages of life you've learned lots from. It's nice to have that balance, yeah?
Oldest Sister
Oldest Sister
We believe you're definitely the oldest sister... And if you're not, you probably should be (don't tell your other siblings). Based on your answers, you're very independent and mature. You might've been placed in the role of caring for your siblings at a young age and that made you the responsible individual you are today.
Were we correct?
Were we correct?