Bored? Take a Minute to Find Out the Perfect Spring Activity for You
Bored? Take a Minute to Find Out the Perfect Spring Activity for You
Spring is upon us and it's time to get ready for the best activities!
Spring is upon us and it's time to get ready for the best activities!

What type of hobby do you prefer?
Are you a morning person?
Which out of these is your fave color?
On a day off, where can we find you?
How do you learn best?
If you could travel somewhere for one day, where would it be?
How would your friends describe you?
Pick a pet:
Do you like to read?
What quality do you value most in others?
Have a picnic at the park!
Have a picnic at the park!
Based on your results, we think a spring activity you'd love is picnicking at the park!
This year it's especially important to socially distance and it's easy to do this safely when having a picnic! Meet up with a friend or two and enjoy the great outdoors with some great food. Yum.
Enjoy a nice bike ride!
Enjoy a nice bike ride!
Based on your results, we think a spring activity you'd love is bike riding!
Spring is the perfect time to spend outdoors and bike riding is a fun way to workout (without feeling like a workout) and take in some nice views of the city. Enjoy!
Go on a fun hike!
Go on a fun hike!
Based on your results, we think a spring activity you'd love is hiking!
You seem like the type to enjoy getting your heart beat up while taking in some pretty views. Hiking is absolutely perfect for that! All you gotta do is find a trail that seems cool to you and check it out while the weather's nice. Have fun!
Do you enjoy springtime?
Do you enjoy springtime?