By Answering Just 7 Questions, We'll Guess Your True Shoe Size With 90% Accuracy
By Answering Just 7 Questions, We'll Guess Your True Shoe Size With 90% Accuracy
Stop sole searching... Your perfect shoe quiz is right here.
Stop sole searching... Your perfect shoe quiz is right here.

We know it's hard to believe, but with just a few questions regarding your life and preferences, we can almost-certainly guess your correct shoe size! Don't believe us? Give it a go down below...
>> What Is Your Shoe Style?
It's 7 a.m. on a Wednesday. What are you doing?
Which pair of socks do you like most?
What's your height?
It's a Friday night and you have plans to go to the bar with friends. What shoes are you wearing?
On a typical day, do you prefer coffee or tea?
Which pet are you most likely to own?
Do people usually think that you're older or younger than your actual age?
Size 8
Size 8
Based on your responses, we have a feeling you're a size 8. You may be either younger or shorter than the average human, and that's totally okay. Your personality is spunky and you're fun to be around. Keep it comin!
Size 9
Size 9
Based on your responses, we have a feeling you're a size 9. We also think you're an extremely kind, generous individual who has their priorities set straight and works hard to get what they want. Nice going!
Size 11
Size 11
Based on your responses, we have a feeling you're a size 11. We also think you're likely adventurous, sporty and outgoing!