Can You Complete These Law Enforcement Statements With Accurate Spelling?
Can You Complete These Law Enforcement Statements With Accurate Spelling?
Yes officer, I can pass the test
Yes officer, I can pass the test

Combining your interest in law enforcement and your knowledge of the English language, this trivia is just for you! Think you can pass the quiz? Find out now...
Upon closer examination, it was evident someone _____ a brick through their window.
All evidence was _____ placed into an evidence locker.
Without an _____ of complaint, no charges could be pursued.
The victim was cold to the touch and appeared to be _____.
They were arrested for posession of drug _____.
The victim had plenty of _____ showing patterns of abuse.
We responded to the park after getting report of _____ activity.
The vehicle _____ came to a stop.
There are certain elements of _____ that must be met.
The man was charged with Fleeing and _____ after the pursuit ended.
How did you do?
How did you do?