We Can Predict Your 2021 Love Life Based on Your Fave Christmas Songs
We Can Predict Your 2021 Love Life Based on Your Fave Christmas Songs
Want to know how your 2021 love life will end up?
Want to know how your 2021 love life will end up?

If you're curious about how your love life will be in 2021, we made this fun quiz for you to check out! Yes, that's right, we may just be able to predict how romantic next year will end up for you based on your favorite Christmas songs... Complete the quiz to find out
Let's start off traditional... Pick your fave!
Pick again:
And one last traditional favorite:
Pick from these Ariana Grande holiday hits:
Pick from these Justin Bieber holiday hits:
Pick from these Mariah Carey holiday hits:
Finally, let's get modern! Pick one:
Pick again:
Last one... Make it good!
You'll be in a relationship
You'll be in a relationship
In 2021, you'll be in a relationship with someone great who treats you right!
We don't know whether you're with currently with that special someone, but if not, things are looking hot for next year. How exciting... you have much to look forward to!
You'll be happily in love
You'll be happily in love
Aww.. Look at you in love!
In 2021, we believe you'll be super deep in a beautiful relationship.
Based on your song choices, you may even be with that significant other now
Either way, get ready for a great, romantic year ahead!
Things may be complicated
Things may be complicated
Looks like things may be a little rocky in your 2021 love life.
We think you'll definitely go on some incredible dates, but may not find the one.
Don't worry, look at this as an opportunity to find out what you want and how to get it.
And who knows... Maybe you'll prove us wrong! You got this!
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