Fill In These TV Show Titles and We’ll Guess Your Generation
Fill In These TV Show Titles and We’ll Guess Your Generation
How you complete the titles will give us big insight to your age.
How you complete the titles will give us big insight to your age.

While you may not have seen every show on the list, you've likely heard about them some time or other. Think you can remember the full titles of popular TV shows? Complete the quiz to find out... And we'll guess your generation while you're at it!
Modern _______
The Handmaid's _______
Pretty Little _______
_______ of Anarchy
Game of _______
It's Always _______ in Philadelphia
Saturday Night _______
_______ Abbey
Gen Z (1997-2012)
Gen Z (1997-2012)
Based on your results, we think you may be from Gen Z!
You're likely super tech-savvy and have watched all the TV shows in the quiz on the comfort of your iPad. No commercials, just straight vibes... Am I right?
Millennial (1981-1996)
Millennial (1981-1996)
Based on your results, we believe you may be a millennial!
While this generation often gets a bad rep, we're here to change that. Millennials are a big drive in the change in this world and great leaders in social acceptance. Good job!
Generation X (1965-1980)
Generation X (1965-1980)
Based on your results, we feel you may be from Generation X!
So... What does this mean? Well, great things of course You're likely very independent and value work-life balance. Additionally, people in this generation tend to be very well educated while keeping the fun in their life going - right on!
Baby Boomer (1946-1964)
Baby Boomer (1946-1964)
Based on your results, we think you're from the baby boomer generation!
What does this say about you? You're probably not a big fan of texting, as in you'd much rather prefer to grab your phone and call loved ones. Same with TV, you're not the biggest fan of it, but when a certain show comes around that really resonates with you, you'll be hooked for days. It's gotta be different to grab your attention.
Did we guess the generation you're from correctly?
Did we guess the generation you're from correctly?