Only the BIGGEST 'Friends' Fans Can Ace This Joey Tribbiani Trivia Quiz
Only the BIGGEST 'Friends' Fans Can Ace This Joey Tribbiani Trivia Quiz
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Created by Tal Garner
On Jul 11, 2021
Matt LeBlanc, the man who plays the legendary Joey Tribbiani, turns 54 years old on July 25th! Help us celebrate his birthday by showing off your 'Friends' skills in this true/false trivia!
1 / 10
Joey once worked as a Christmas elf
2 / 10
Joey has kissed each of his closest friends
3 / 10
Joey is a fan of the New York Mets
4 / 10
Joey was last to find out about Monica and Chandler's relationship
5 / 10
Joey has 7 sisters
6 / 10
Joey's full name actually ends with Jr.
7 / 10
Joey is a former chain smoker
8 / 10
Joey doesn't share his food
9 / 10
Joey once dated Janice
10 / 10
Joey is the oldest character in the main group of friends
Questions left
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