Some Places Have the WEIRDEST Laws… Can You Guess Whether They’re True or False?
Some Places Have the WEIRDEST Laws… Can You Guess Whether They’re True or False?
Is there really a law against doing laundry on Sundays?
Is there really a law against doing laundry on Sundays?

While you may know the basic laws of the land you live in, you likely haven't heard of some of the fascinating and, quite honestly, very odd laws other places have for their citizens. Some are so absurd, many people would never believe they're real... But they are, and you could find yourself in big trouble if you go against them. Think you can guess which weird laws are true or false?
In New York, it is against the law to take a selfie with a tiger.
In Venice, it is against the law to chew bubble gum.
In Georgia, it is against the law for pigs to cross the road.
In Jamaica, it is against the law to wear camouflage.
In Alabama, it is against the law to wear a fake mustache in church.
In Switzerland, it is against the law to hang your laundry out to dry on Sundays.
In Thailand, it is against the law to drive without a shirt on.
In Washington, it is against the law to ride a horse while under the influence.
In Portugal, it is against the law to drive while wearing flip-flops.
In India, it is against the law to kiss in public.
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