The Surprising Benefits of Puzzle Solving for Adults
The Surprising Benefits of Puzzle Solving for Adults
January 29th is National Puzzle Day. Here's why that's important.
January 29th is National Puzzle Day. Here's why that's important.

Besides being fun, working on puzzles can give your mind a real workout.
Now, before getting into it, let's define puzzles. No, they're not just the ones you spend hours on while you put hundreds or thousands of pieces together. defines puzzles as, "something baffling or confusing that is to be solved." This can come in the form of a game, problem, or toy - as long as it tests a person's ingenuity or knowledge.
As we get older, puzzles are one way to keep our minds in tip-top-shape. This National Puzzle Day, remember what you read below and celebrate accordingly...
Puzzles exercise both sides of your brain
They enhance your mood
Puzzles improve your problem-solving skills
Stretch your brain a little with these 5 puzzling questions...
You throw away the outside, eat the inside, and throw away the inside. What am I?
A shephard has 86 goats. All but 6 die. How many are left?
During what month do people sleep the least?
I take what you receive and surrender it all by waving my flag. What am I?
What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?
They improve visual and spatial reasoning
Puzzles lower your stress levels
They can improve your IQ score