We Bet You Don't Know More About Biology Than the Average 10 Year Old...Prove Us Wrong
We Bet You Don't Know More About Biology Than the Average 10 Year Old...Prove Us Wrong
We're curious to see if you've got more knowledge than the 10 year olds in your life
We're curious to see if you've got more knowledge than the 10 year olds in your life

Created by Tal Garner
On Feb 28, 2021
1 / 10
What percentage of the atmospheric air is oxygen?
2 / 10
Which of the following organs is NOT used during digestion?
3 / 10
What is the study of ecosystems?
4 / 10
How many systems does the human body have?
5 / 10
Which mineral acid is present in our stomach?
6 / 10
The cardiovascular system is otherwise known as the _____ system.
7 / 10
What do we use to treat bacterial infections?
8 / 10
Global warming is caused by too much ______ in the atmosphere.
9 / 10
What is it called when the DNA of an organism changes?
10 / 10
How many blood types are there?
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