What Your Typical Super Bowl Sunday Plans Say About You
What Your Typical Super Bowl Sunday Plans Say About You
Your Super Bowl Sunday plans actually say a lot about you
Your Super Bowl Sunday plans actually say a lot about you

Super Bowl 55 will be played on Sunday, February 7, 2021 at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida. This year's Super Bowl include the Kansas City Chiefs playing against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. With two great teams, we're expecting it be a close one.
While this year's plans may differ from what you're used to, what do your typical Super Bowl Sunday plans say about you? Find out below.
It's Super Bowl Sunday. Who do you typically spend this day with?
What's most important to you?
How will you spend the few hours before kick-off?
Pick your fave Super Bowl food:
The food options can't stop there... Pick one more of your favorites:
Now select your drink of choice...
What's the most you'd ever put towards a Super Bowl bet?
Who was your favorite halftime performer?
Life of the party
Life of the party
The minute you walk into the Super Bowl event, all eyes on you. You may not even notice it in the moment, but people really get excited to see you there. Your smile is contageous and they know you bring the good vibes! While you may not particularly care for the game itself, you're there for the fun time.
There for the food
There for the food
Let's be real... You attend the Super Bowl Sunday parties for the food, right?
Based on your choices, we think you enjoy the snacks and the drinks most out of everything in the day. You might watch the game for a bit, but that's just to distract you from going back for your third or forth bowl of chips and salsa.
No worries, I promise you're not alone!
Mega fan!
Mega fan!
You're definitely the mega fan of them all. Basically, you take the Super Bowl pretty seriously. You plan weeks in advance which house you're going to watch it in and this decision is based largely on who has the best TV for the ultimate viewing experience.
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How accurate were your results?
How accurate were your results?