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Which Character Are You in Netflix's New Hit 'Ginny & Georgia'?

Are you more like Ginny or Maxine? Georgia or Marcus?

Tal Garner
Created by Tal Garner
On Jul 15, 2021

First, how would you describe your style?

And how would your friends describe you?

What's your favorite school subject?

Which is your drink of choice?

Where can we find you at 'sophomore sleepover'?

How's your love life?

...And ideal first date?



You're most like Ginny!
Like her, you may be a little confused and frustrated by your upbringing, but you still do your best to be a supportive friend. You try hard to fit in but life can get in the way and sometimes you find yourself breaking down. Don't worry, you're a strong person and you will do anything for those you love most. This will get you far in life.



You're most like Georgia!
This doesn't mean you have to own the guns and poisonous flowers that she does... It does however mean that you have an infectious personality that totally attracts others from far and near! While you maintain a mysterious side, you're extremely confident, beautiful and bubbly - all incredible qualities. And while you've made some hard decisions, everything you do revolves around the wellbeing of your children. Kuddos to you, hot mama!



You're most like Maxine!
You're totally hip, bold and opinionated...How fun! You're constantly attracting others with your humor, incredible confidence and caring personality. In fact, sometimes you can be too caring so when people disappoint you, it really hits hard. You would do absolutely everything to maintain strong relationships with others and expect them to do the same. At the end of the day, as long as you keep your head up we know you'll do just fine.



You're most like Marcus!
Mysterious on the outside, and let's face it... Just as mysterious on the inside.
But those who know you best know that you've been through some difficult times and that's made you the lowkey person you are today. Deep down, you'll do anything for the people you love most and that makes you a truly incredible person.

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