How Well Do You Remember Kramer's Nutty Business Ideas On Seinfeld?
How Well Do You Remember Kramer's Nutty Business Ideas On Seinfeld?
Some called him a hipster doofus, but to others he was a visionary.
Some called him a hipster doofus, but to others he was a visionary.

How did Kramer plan to employ New York City's homeless?
What perfume scent did Kramer pitch to Calvin Klein executives?
What kind of DIY restaurant did Kramer want to open?
What was Kramer's idea for clothing mishaps?
What was Kramer's book idea?
What did Kramer want to install in his bathtub?
What did Kramer want to name his and Frank's male breast support garment?
What was the name of Kramer's tourist trap bus tour?
What was the project Kramer and his intern Darren were working on?
What kind of model did Kramer enjoy a short stint as?
What kind of phone service did Kramer operate out of his apartment?
What seasonal job did Kramer briefly take on?
What side business did Kramer borrow Newman's mail truck for?
What was the name of Kramer's think tank company?