What Does This Mermaid Test Say About The Woman You Are?
What Does This Mermaid Test Say About The Woman You Are?
Be a mermaid and make waves.
Be a mermaid and make waves.

A social butterfly: friendly & outgoing
A social butterfly: friendly & outgoing
You are a friendly type of woman who loves animals and would do anything to meet a human. You enchant people with your beauty inside and out. You have many friends and enjoy meeting new people. You don't like taking sides and like to remain a peacemaker. Many most of the people that you meet instantly adore you!!
A playette: Shy & introverted
A playette: Shy & introverted
You are an introverted woman. You tend to help out when needed and love animals. You like to stay undercover but watch what people do. You are too shy to go up to a person but wish one day a man will be your true love. You are smart and don't mind being alone.
A seductress: sassy & sensual
A seductress: sassy & sensual
You are a sassy type of woman! You are nice but sometimes get caught in the wrong crowd and can be stuck up at times. Many men crave you for your beauty but you know their intentions. You have many friends and when angered, you can be a tidal wave.
A hopeful romantic: sincere & feminine
A hopeful romantic: sincere & feminine
It takes time for you to open up to people since you have been hurt many times before but despite this, you have never given up on love! You believe that there is a soulmate for everyone out there and your determination to find your other half is admirable!!