What Does Your Dominant Hand Say About Your Personality?
What Does Your Dominant Hand Say About Your Personality?
Are you part of the 10% or the 90%?
Are you part of the 10% or the 90%?

When you wink at someone, which eye does the winking?
When you fold your arms, which arm is on top?
When you open a jar, which hand is unscrewing the lid?
When you are stretching, which side do you stretch first?
Which arm do you wear your watch on?
When using KNIFE and FORK. The KNIFE is in your ___ hand.
How is the line dancing experience for you?
Do you tend to bump into people while walking?
100% Left Handed
100% Left Handed
You are 100% a leftie!
Your dominant traits: High IQ, great at multitasking, creativity. A higher chance of being a genius (and a president!)
You are unique. There are not many people like you in the world. Only 10% percent of the world are lefties, and that makes you close to one of a kind. Left handed people share the ability to pave a new path thanks to their abstract thinking. This ability makes lefties great leaders.
Lefties also hear speech differently, and people have started to think that lefties make better artists!
90% Left handed, 10% Right Handed
90% Left handed, 10% Right Handed
You are 90% Left handed, 10% Right Handed!
Your dominant traits: Smart, artistic, kind.
You are a mixture of right and left handed people! You possess qualities such as logical thinking that is usually found in people who are left handed but you are an extremely kind and lovable person who makes friends wherever they go! While you are a mixture your character traits point to the fact that you are slightly more left handed than right handed!
90% Right Handed, 10% Left Handed
90% Right Handed, 10% Left Handed
You are 90% right handed, 10% left handed!
Your dominant traits: Easy going, loved by others, logical behavior.
You possess a combination of character traits that are found in both left and right handed people! Where ever you go, people are always intrigued by you and they can't help but fall in love with your kind personality! You are also a very logical thinker and you will put a lot of though into each action!
100% Right Handed
100% Right Handed
You are 100% right handed!
You are: Smart, kind, cheerful and lovable.
You are cool! And there are a lot of people that share that trait. 90% of the world are like you; right handed. Many righties all act differently but one thing we can tell you is that you are a great person! Right handed people are known for being kind, and lighthearted. So, if you are right handed, many people probably love you! Along with your lovable personality, you are very skilled in the things that you do and you look at the world from a logical point of view!