Which Doctor Who Character Are You?
Which Doctor Who Character Are You?
We all have some some traits that match doctor who characters why not find out what yours is?
We all have some some traits that match doctor who characters why not find out what yours is?

How do you explain your life?
What kind of accessory would you prefer to ware?
How do you solve conflict?
Finally, do you see the universe as a scientist, a creative person?
The Doctor
The Doctor
You are an odd person with a mysterious dark side. You have an extensive fascination with the universe and have very clever and cunning plans on getting out of sticky situations.
Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald
You are a clever and smart individual with great ideas and a strong understanding of what it means to be brave.
Martha Jones
Martha Jones
You are a smart and serious person who knows just what to do when someone is hurt. You never stand down to help some one even if that someone is an enemy.
Rose Tyler
Rose Tyler