Be a Cheese Wiz! Take the Cheese Quiz! How Cheesy Are You?

What Do Your Cheese Choices Say About You?

Tasty Food
Created by Tasty Food (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jun 2, 2017

Does this Cheesy advertisement make your mouth Water?

How do you like your Cheese best?

Do you like to play with your food?

Would you prefer Mozzarella Sticks over a Drink?

Do you choose your restaurant because Cheese is in the name?

Is it silent at the dinner table because Tasty Food is made better with Cheese?

Do you like to collect Cheese stickers?

Do you like Memes about Cheese?

Are your Video Games more fun because of Cheese?

Do you like your Cheese Quick or Aged?

Do you choose your Cheese because of your Heritage?

Is this how you look at anything made with Cheese?

Are you a Cheese Artist?

Do you consider yourself a Cheese Fanatic?

Do you like songs about cheese?

Limburger Cheese

Limburger Cheese

They say that when life gives you lemons...Well, in this case life is giving you Stinky Cheese! You got this result because you might not be the biggest fans of cheese in general and some of your answers might have been more negative than others. Though Limburger may not smell that good, if you can get past that, you'll be fine! Not just at the dining room table, but also in life!

Cheddar Cheese

Cheddar Cheese

Cheddar, like you is multifaceted! Either you like your cheddar quick from the can or jar, or maybe you like it more aged? You are able to move quickly and blend into what life has to offer for you! No matter what challenge is thrown at you, you can handle it all!

Mozzarella Cheese

Mozzarella Cheese

Mozzarella comes in many forms, either in very soft, moist balls of goodness or shredded to add to our saucy dishes! Like this lovely cheese, we like to live life with an air of Sauciness! We all know that it is Cheese that holds all the good stuff together, likewise, you are the friend that keeps the whole gang together and the one that everyone looks to that brings the Fun!

Swiss Cheese

Swiss Cheese

You hold Swiss Cheese in a Holy, Heavenly regard! Umm, I mean Hole-y, and what this cheese lacks due to the holes, it packs full of Flavor! This cheese is not only appreciated by Swiss Misses Yodeling in the Alps, but for each of us who like to appreciate good TASTE!

Pepper Jack Cheese

Pepper Jack Cheese

You like life like you like your cheese...SPICY!!! What ever you do and what ever your choices are, you always air on the side of Fun and keep people wondering what you are going to be up to next!?!

American Cheese

American Cheese

Perhaps you chose this cheese for Patriotic reasons? You just can't get enough of the Red, Blue and White Slices of American Cheese? Not exactly sure why it also comes in Orange? The debate rages on, which tastes better, orange or white American Cheese? Perhaps they all taste the same...Delicious! And, you like to be true to your family and live life to the height of it's Deliciousness!

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021