What One Tree Hill Character Are You??

I am only doing the main characters.

Created by SelenaRules13206 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What do you do in your spare time??

What is your dream job??

Do you want kids??

Who Do you want!!

(I didn't do every main character)

Brooke Davis/Baker

Brooke Davis/Baker

You are super pretty, when you want to you can put your mind to anything!!

Haley Scott

Haley Scott

You are smart and you have a small spot in your heart for bad boys!!

Nathan Scott

Nathan Scott

You are very talented you act like your tough but inside you are a softy, thats why Nathan married Haley

Peyton Sawyer

Peyton Sawyer

You are a tom-boy who is soft in side but tough outside you can draw super good!!!!

Julian Baker

Julian Baker

You are very classy, you are a very cool person!!!

Karen Roe

Karen Roe

You are soft and innocent you are a big figure to a lot of people!!

Lucas Scott

Lucas Scott

You are very much like nathan but you are soft

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