How Well Do You Know the Infant CLASS Tool?
How Well Do You Know the Infant CLASS Tool?
Test your knowledge of using CLASS at the infant age level!
Test your knowledge of using CLASS at the infant age level!
How many domains are in the Infant CLASS tool?
How many dimensions are there in the Infant CLASS tool?
What is the "infant" age level?
What is the single domain in the Infant CLASS tool called?
Which of these is NOT a behavioral indicator of the Relational Climate dimension?
Which of these is NOT a behavioral indicator of the Teacher Sensitivity dimension?
Which of these is NOT a behavioral indicator of the Facilitated Exploration dimension?
Which of these is NOT a behavioral indicator in the Early Language dimension?
Observation cycles at all other age levels are 20 minutes of observing, 10 minutes of recording). How do observation cycles at the infant age level compare?
Should routine care interactions (diapering, bottle-feeding, etc.) be considered while observing?