How Well Do You Know the Infant CLASS Tool?

Test your knowledge of using CLASS at the infant age level!

Created by Teachstone (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Oct 11, 2018
1 / 10

How many domains are in the Infant CLASS tool?

2 / 10

How many dimensions are there in the Infant CLASS tool?

3 / 10

What is the "infant" age level?

4 / 10

What is the single domain in the Infant CLASS tool called?

5 / 10

Which of these is NOT a behavioral indicator of the Relational Climate dimension?

6 / 10

Which of these is NOT a behavioral indicator of the Teacher Sensitivity dimension?

7 / 10

Which of these is NOT a behavioral indicator of the Facilitated Exploration dimension?

8 / 10

Which of these is NOT a behavioral indicator in the Early Language dimension?

9 / 10

Observation cycles at all other age levels are 20 minutes of observing, 10 minutes of recording). How do observation cycles at the infant age level compare?

10 / 10

Should routine care interactions (diapering, bottle-feeding, etc.) be considered while observing?

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