What Male Walking Dead Actor Is Your Soulmate?
What Male Walking Dead Actor Is Your Soulmate?
Find out who your soulmate is from The Walking Dead!
Find out who your soulmate is from The Walking Dead!

What do you seek for most in a guy?
What can you not stand in a guy?
Pick a food
Pick a pet
Whats your dream date?
Pick a Picture
Whats a hobbie of yours?
Whats your dream job?
Michael Cudlitz
Michael Cudlitz
MC, The tough guy that has a heart like a soft furry bunny
Andrew Lincoln
Andrew Lincoln
AL, The kind guy that would love his girl forever
Norman Reedus
Norman Reedus
NR, The funny quirky guy that loves everything, including you.
Tyler James Williams
Tyler James Williams
TJW, The handsome/caring young guy.
Steven Yeun
Steven Yeun
SY, the strange but handsome man
Jon Bernthal
Jon Bernthal
JB, The tank guy that makes people laugh no matter who he acts.
Chad Coleman
Chad Coleman
CC, The guy who looks like he would knock you one but would just walk up and hug you.