The 100 Season 4 Trailer Detailed Breakdown
The 100 Season 4 Trailer Detailed Breakdown
The release of The 100's Season 4 has fans excited and worried about their favorites. Here we have broken down scenes and looked for clues to the upcoming season. There could be spoilers so be warned, but everything is speculation. Take a closer look at some of the images we have found hidden in the trailer.
The release of The 100's Season 4 has fans excited and worried about their favorites. Here we have broken down scenes and looked for clues to the upcoming season. There could be spoilers so be warned, but everything is speculation. Take a closer look at some of the images we have found hidden in the trailer.
Octavia and Trekru.
Octavia is seen with grounder warriors. The face tattoo tells us these are Trekru. These two grounders battle Roan. If you notice, Octavia has the TreKru warriors eye paint like she wore in Season 2, but she has added the markings on her forehead. They match the tattoo's Lincoln had on his chest. It is her homage to her lover. Notice the warrior in back, and his big ax.
Roan in battle.
Here we see Roan fighting the Trekru warriors. One man lies dead on the ground; his massive ax is beside him. This looks like Octavias two grounder allies seen above. It seems the two challenged King Roan to a fight. If they are killed, will Octavia try to finish the fight? Will she get away?
Trekru attack the rover with Roan and Bellamy.
These are the grounders that attack Bellamy and Roan in the Rover. They are Trekru as seen by the tattoos on the face. Why is Roan with Bellamy? If Bellamy and Roan are allies, this does not look good for the Blake siblings to get back on good terms for Season 4, at least not anytime soon. Octavia has allied herself with Trekru. Another question is , if Roan killed the two warriors in Polis, why is he being chased by them now? Did Trekru overpower Ice nation in Polis?
Arkadia hit with acid rain.
The black rain or acid rain is seen falling. The circle shows it is in Arkadia, this is someone wearing a guards jacket. It's not clear if Jasper is among the people shown, he was last seen wearing a baseball cap. Hopefully, he is not among them. Later we see bodies in Arkadia, wrapped in sheets. That is probably the fate of these people.
Niylah and Octavia.
Niylah from the trading post is back for Season 4 and she looks to be helping Octavia. She tried to help Clarke in Season 3 when Ice Nation was hunting Wanheda. Is Ice Nation now hunting the Skai-Ripper ? Earlier we saw a picture of Octavia in distress, unsure if it was Clarke or Niylah, from the looks of this, it was probably Niylah. The background almost looks like inside Arkadia. Niylahs trading post is a different look. The steel walls and doors suggest Arkadia, or someplace similar, maybe the drop-ship ?
Oh no Raven !
Raven is seen in trouble. There is hope as we can see she is probably with Clarke. This looks like Clarkes hair so hopefully Raven will recover. Was it the drone that was shooting at her? Is it something to do with her mind and the Raven upgrade they spoke of earlier in recent interviews? We can only guess.
Farm Station.
Bellamy, Miller, Harper, Monty and Bryan have found Farm Station. Bryan is from Farm Station, so he probably helped in finding it. Notice the front of the station and what looks like a circle door. (Right next to Millers head) We will mention this later. Clearly this is Ice Nation territory
Who is this?
It looks like the Delinquents may have found a prisoner in Farm station. Are they're more Arkers? Was Pike lying about survivors and Monty's father ? Could his father still be alive? Hannah and Pikes story about Monty's father seemed odd when they were telling it last season. Maybe they lied the whole time? This man is a mystery.
Monty frees prisoners.
People speculated Monty was screaming in anger because possibly Harper died. We did a close up of that scene and we can see Harper is alive in the background with the others, watching helplessly as Monty breaks the chain with his ax. Our guess; it is the truth about his father that upsets Monty.
Poor Monty.
The look on Monty's face is that of shock and hurt. His friends are in the background. Bellamy seems to be looking down at a body. Is it the body of Montys father, or dead grounders? Prisoners walk past Monty as he stares ahead in disbelief. He killed his mother twice last season. Monty had a heartbreaking Season 3 and Season 4 looks like it is not getting better for him. Hopefully he won't go down the same self destructive path as Jasper did. He has Harper, hopefully she will be able to help him deal with whatever is happening in this scene.
Miller takes aim.
The group is running from an attack. Probably a drone. First look at the picture. It looks like Luna and a male companion. Is this the man in the clear tube that we see covered in blisters and burns, screaming in pain? My guess is yes. The second question is; since ALIE is defeated, who has the drones? Grounders do not have that technology, and why is the drone shooting at them? Is there another group of technically advanced people like the Mountain Men?
The second question: Why is the blistered man suffering more than Luna and the little girl? My theory is this radiation poisoning. Luna has black blood (maybe the girl does too) The man does not. Like in MW the Arkers are not as effected by radiation levels as easily as grounders. Maybe black blood is a step above the regular grounders, and the Arkers, due to the solar flares in outerspace, are even a step above the black bloods when it comes to radiation.
Clarke looks gross.
Most people have decided this must be a dream. The debate is , who's hand. Some say Abby's, some say Bellamy's. It looks too big for Abby's hand, and Bellamy's hands are large. Camera angles can be deceiving, so it could go either way. If it was Bellamy's hand, that could scare him enough to leave safety and try to reach Clarke.
Bellamy, you heroic boy.
If the nightmare about Clarke in the previous picture was Bellamy's; this could prompt him to dress in the protective gear and try to save her. He has done it in the past season, when he went through the Ice Nation Army to attempt a rescue. (He will put his life on the line for her like that).. Look at the figure circled in the back. Is that Kane? It doesn't look like a grounder, and it does not look like Arkadia. Could it be Farm Station and the entrance we mentioned earlier (near Millers head). Or is this the mystery people that had the drones? All we know for sure is it's Bellamy and he is dressed up again risking his life for someone.