What Star Trek Alien Are You?

Are you a logical Vulcan, treacherous Ferengi or aggressive Klingon? Let's find out!

Created by Sebarus (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 17, 2015

Which of these is your favorite food?

What's your favorite color?

Which of these you would like as a pet?

Someone bullies your friend. What do you do?

Which of these superpowers you'd choose?

Where would you wanna live?

Pick an element. Stupid question I know.

How would your friends describe you?

Which of these is the most important thing in life?

You promised your friend that you're going to hang out with him/her but you're invited to a party where you wanna go, but your friend is not invited. What do you do?

Which of these jobs would you take?

You're walking through a dark ally your way home. Then three guys come, pointing guns at you and wanting to take all your money. What would you do?

What would you do to get something you want?



Qaplah! You're a Klingon. You are very aggressive. You get angry very easily and everyone is very careful around you. You're a good fighter and you will fight to get what you want and to solve any problems. But you are very honourable and you keep your promises. You never lie and you're very courageous. It's okay to be Klingon but just try to calm down sometimes when you get angry.



It would seem that you're a Vulcan. That means that you're always very logical and calm. You try to solve all problems with reason. You are commited for seeking knowledge and you're very wise. But sometimes others may think that you're a little bit boring or a besserwisser.



You're a Ferengi! You try to bargain for anything. Money is the most important thing in the world for you. You're a businessman/woman and everything can stand aside unless you get profit from it. You may sometimes lie. Try to think about other people more and forget about money and profits sometimes.



You're a Changeling. Your ability to change rapidly allows you to get lots of friends and adapt to different situations and environments. You have a big bunch of friends who are very loyal to you. And you're very loyal to them. But someone may think that you're a little bossy or arrogant.



Resistance is futile. You're a Borg. You love perfection and you try to become perfect. You go with others like you and you can't stand diversity. You think that everybody should be just like you. You are very determined, If you decide that you want something. You will do anything to get it. Try to be more open. Familiarize yourself with people who are different than you.

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