Can You Name These WWF Events From Their Main Event Alone?
Can You Name These WWF Events From Their Main Event Alone?
See if you can correctly identify these WWF pay-per-views from their main event match!
See if you can correctly identify these WWF pay-per-views from their main event match!

Triple H vs. Mick Foley vs. Big Show vs. The Rock for the WWF Championship
The British Bulldog vs. Bret Hart for the Intercontinental Championship.
Hulk Hogan & Mr. T vs. Paul Orndorff and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper
Kurt Angle vs. The Rock vs. Rikishi vs. Undertaker vs. Triple H vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin for the WWF Championship
Kane vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin in a First Blood match for the WWF Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon in a Steel Cage match
The Alliance vs. Team WWF
Hulk Hogan vs. Triple H for the Undisputed Championship.
Triple H, Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon vs. The Rock, Undertaker & Kane
Kurt Angle vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Rob Van Dam for the WWF Championship.
Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman vs. Edge
Undertaker vs. Fake Undertaker