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30 People Open Up About Sexual Encounters With Step Relatives

What is the difference between sex and love? Is it that sex relieves tension and love causes it? Let's explore.

Terry Stein
Created by Terry Stein
On Sep 28, 2019
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A Dramatic Outcome

The outcome was dramatic and incredibly tragic.

I had a colleague once who drunkenly confessed to sleeping with her step brother. Eventually it developed into a serious relationship. Her parents got to know and desperately tried to get them to breakup. Colleague ended up dating her step bro in secret.

It's an open secret in the office at this point. Awkward, because the stepdad was also in upper management. Anyway, her parents find out again and try to get them to break up a second time. It's all gets rather public and ugly and quite embarrassing for her Mom and stepdad who are now senior figures in the industry running their own company.

Colleague tells us that she's been given ultimatums from her Mum. Doesn't describe what they are. Suddenly, she stops showing up to work and emails her resignation. She tells HR that she's moving to the US to find some peace. Colleague also texts some folk at work to tell then that she's had enough of the drama and moving away.

A few weeks pass and there's no news from her until her step bro/ boyfriend starts contacting all her work friends. I wasn't contacted but some of my teammates were. Stepbro is desperately trying to get in touch with her she's broken up with him via text. He wants to know if anyone's heard from her. He doesn't believe that she now lives in the US and that she'd go without telling him. Everyone writes him off as a guy who couldn't handle the rejection, until he goes to the police and files a missing persons case.

Police actually made a few inquiries to everyone's suprise. It doesn't happen often because they usually dgaf. This is still a developing country after all. In the end the cops write the stepbro off as a lovesick loon and everything settles down. For a while at least.

Stepbro has gone crazy, now claiming that he thinks something bad happened to her. Says he's fallen out with his parents over it. No one at work wants to get involved in this family drama, especially since the parents are important people. Things die down again, until they don't.

Fast forward two years and no one's heard from our colleague, until the cops come calling. They've arrested her mom's chauffeur on an unrelated charge and he confesses to murdering our colleague. Even leads them to the body. He doesn't however reveal a motive. He must have been stalking her think the police until they investigate further. Our colleague never went to the US. Turns out the emails she sent weren't from her either. They were sent after her death.

The texts, the emails and the breakup were all from her Mom. She covered her tracks after she orchestrated the murder of her own daughter. All because she wouldn't stop dating her step brother and was going to marry him.

Sorry for the bad grammar. English isn't my first language. I'd forgotten some details. The colleague's Mum always had a strained relationship with her daughter. At social events she often claimed to be her sister, through everyone knew it wasn't true. I think bio dad was also involved in the murder somehow. The whole thing was one giant clusterfuck.



Let’s Make Love, Then Have Hot Dirty Sex.

My parents used to be step siblings. My mom was 6, dad was 12 when my mom's mom married my dad's dad. My dad lived with his mom primarily though, and they never spent much time together. I think my grandparents were married for 6-10 years or something like that before they divorced. When my mom was about 20, dad was 26 and he asked her out. They've been married for like 35 years.

The complicated bit is that I have an Aunt that was born from the marriage of my maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather. So my parents share a half-sibling. But they're no longer step siblings.

Also, guys, there are plenty of other southern hillbilly ass states aside from Alabama, unless I'm missing a reference to something. That being said, every generation beneath my great grandparents on both sides has been born and raised in CA. Although funnily enough, my aunt did move to a southern state when she got married. I like to joke that she complicates the family tree so they kicked her out.



A Guy I knew...

A guy I knew, while we were both early-teens, had a huge crush on a girl who was a close friend of his family (his parents were church friends with her parents). Then, her parents both died in a car accident, and his parents had agreed to adopt her if such an incident were ever to occur.

His mom was kinda weird and made him start calling her sister, and none of his family knew he was head over heels in love with this girl, or if they suspected a crush they pretended not to. What they FOR SURE didn’t know (because his parents would’ve disowned him) was that by high school, they were secretly bangin’ almost every night.

I lost touch with them during high school, and I want to know what ended up happening with them SO BADLY it drives me crazy to think about.

Edit: To the million people asking me to track them down now, I tried years ago but literally the only thing I have to go off of is his name. We only hung out for a few years, and it was because my mom and his mom were work friends who hung out outside of work a lot during that time. I don't know what school he went to or what church they went to. I don't remember his school friends' names. I'm only about 70% sure I'm even remembering the girl's name correctly. The only avenue I could think of exploring is asking my mom what her former coworker's name is or if she remembers where they moved to, but that's a really weird question to bring up 15 years later so I don't really plan on going that route. I just gave his name another search, but it's a fairly common name and without more to go off of it's sort of impossible to find a match on social media. Sorry to disappoint.



An Adventure

My sister gave our stepbrother a blowjob on one end of our wrap-around couch, with our grandmother asleep on the other end. Spoiler alert: She woke up.

We had some fucked up family dynamics.

Edit; I’ve answered these in the comments but for anyone who doesn’t feel like scrolling...

What happened when she woke up? My grandmom woke up mid-job, smacked my sister on the back of the head with her slipper, they sprung apart and ran away without saying a word, and the next morning everyone just acted like nothing ever happened. As far as I know, my grandmother never said a word about it to anyone

Where was I? I was in bed, sneakily reading Eragon and none the wiser, until my sister told me the next morning. I think these two instances perfectly encapsulate who we both were as a person lol (and still are tbh)



Family Ties

My mother passed away, so my brother and I moved in with my father, stepmother and stepsister. My parents had a brutal divorce, so we were not very close to them. In fact, we didn’t see my father for years. Fast forward, my brother, stepsister, stepbrother and I would play lights out as teenagers.

Basically, turn the lights out and start beating the shit out of each other with pillows or anything we could find. I know it sounds like a sick game. Later, when we all played and wondered why I was not getting my hair pulled or punched, I turned on the lights and found my brother and stepsister making out. We stopped playing lights out but my brother and sister were secretly seeing each until my stepmother found out.



Poor Treatment

My uncle married his step sister when they were teenagers. They had four kids together and divorced. Years later my dad married her. She was his step sister and younger brother's ex wife. My cousins became my step siblings. Uncle lived around the corner. Her kids did not like being told what to do by their uncle.

My dad always felt like she treated me and my sister poorly. My Grandma threatened to disown my dad several times for marrying her. They were together for about a year before step mom couldn't handle Dad's drinking anymore and he said he was sick of her kids disrespecting him and her not treating my sister and me good enough. We moved out but they stayed married for over ten years. Cousin/step siblings weren't as close with us after that and my sister and I were kinda considered black sheep of the family.

Too bad. I liked being around my cousins so much and I thought my aunt/step mom was cool. I was like 10-11 at the time though. I can't imagine what those two were thinking when they got together in the first place. Whole thing was confusing to say the least.



Not Your Story?

Not my story, but my partners ex-friend fucked his "Aunt." They aren't related biologically related BUT the Aunt knew the guy since he was baby. Plus, the Uncle and him were close and he worked for/with his Uncle.

Basically, the Aunt was going through a break up with his Uncle. The ex-friend and Aunt got drunk, fucked and kept as a thing. They only stopped when the Uncle got his act together and wanted her back. Aunt told him everything (but pretty sure not the consistency of how many times). When the Uncle found out, he called work saying he was going to kill his nephew if not beat the living shit out of him. The coworkers told the ex-friend and he skipped town.

Obviously they no longer have a relationship with the Aunt or Uncle.

Added note: Completely forgot about this comment as I got preoccupied with other events. Was not expecting this! Time to look at my inbox.

I got confirmation that he was 21 yrs old and he did have other sexual encounters, but he lost is virginity to his Aunt.



A Real Effort

Our parents got remarried later in life when we were already grown adults. We're both only-children so having siblings was a new experience for us, but we wanted it to work if only for the family's sake.

In an effort to grow...closer...we decided to go drinking one night, a few months after we met for the first time. She ended up crashing at my place. I offered to take the couch and give her the bed but she insisted we sleep together in that weird feet-to-head setup.

My drunk ass promptly went to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to find us spooning, and me with a serious erection poking her ass. I froze. I didn't know how I got there, what was going on, or how I was going to get out of this gracefully.

I had just decided to extricate myself slowly in the hopes that I didn't wake her, when it happened. Wiggle wiggle. She started wiggling her ass against me. On instinct, I started bucking. Tap tap. Wiggle wiggle tap tap. There was only one way to go from there. We went out that night intending to become closer...Mission accomplished!

We fucked a few times a week for 5-6 months before we both met other people. In that time we became very close, telling each other our fears, secrets, and generally being what you think of as brother and sister. Except for that other thing. Friends have remarked about how close we are, especially for how short a time its been. Turns out, there's a shortcut for that.

You'd think that would be the end of the story, but instead of going our separate ways with the new people in our lives, we ended up realizing we had fallen hard for each other. Now we're dating and trying to figure out how to tell our parents, family, and friends. Might not have that problem for too much longer though. The last time her dad came into the living room where we were hanging out...well, first he knocked.



Please Elaborate

Obligatory not me:

My mother used to work with a woman who married her daughter’s fiancee’s father.

Let me elaborate a bit on that so it really sinks in.

A woman my mother worked with had a daughter who was engaged to someone. This woman was planning the wedding with that someone’s father in a Protestant or something Church and, while planning, began dating the Father. So Father and Mother are dating while kids are planning to marry, and they decide to get married before their kids.

So they go and get married on a weekend soirée in Vegas. They come back and continue to plan their children’s wedding. Their children... who are now legally brother and sister.

This went down exactly as you’d expect — Church found out, refused to perform the ceremony. They go to a JoP, who refuses on the same grounds.

They ended up having to get married out of state because the dumb fucking parents couldn’t just not get the third or fourth or whatever marriages performed before their children were happily married.

Surprise twist: kids get married, have kids. Husband shakes the baby to death, gets 20 years in prison. Mother is suitably horrified and Father backs up his son, so they divorce.

So in the end, absolute narcissists.



Keep It Here

Throwaway because this story is not going on my main account.

My dad remarried when I was in my teens and my step-mother's daughter moved in shortly thereafter. She was the same age I was. We weren't super friendly, but as a horny teenager she was the object of many fantasies. We did not do much, but I did give her backrubs a couple times and she let me feel her up. She never let it go farther...

Until I came home to visit after moving out. We were hanging out one night (at home, my dad and her mo asleep) and she basically decided she wanted to get laid. So we fucked. It was far from her first time but it was mine. We hooked up again a few months later when she came to visit me, but then she ran off with the guy that ended being her first baby-daddy.

Aftermath? Nothing happened again after that. When I met my first serious girlfriend (who knew how I had lost my virginity), my step-sister started acting jealous. That was awkward, but it was easier to deal with once my step-sister and her mom had a falling out and stopped talking. To the best of my knowledge, my dad and her step-mother never found out what their kids had gotten up to.

By the way, the rumors that my step-sister was in porn videos are completely false. I mean, I've seen the videos but those rumors are still false.

OP, hope my history meets your needs.



Serious Stuff

I'll take "Things that caused my dads divorce and destroyed by baby sisters life" for $100 Alex.

A little backstory: When I was 5 years old, my parents divorced and my dad moved out. For the first couple years I was still pretty close to him, he lived around the corner from us and I was at his house every weekend. Sadly, our relationship pretty much ended when his job transferred him from California to Texas.

After his move, I only saw him on holidays. A few years later he married a woman with two daughters around my age. They ended up having a third daughter shortly afterward, and being a resentful 12-year-old living with a rather spiteful mom, I pretty much wrote him off. A couple of holiday visits, and then nothing....

Fast forward a few years. I'm 16, my mom has married a total asshole, I have a brand new baby brother and my home life is miserable. A few days after a violent fight between me and my stepdad, I came home from school, walked into my house...and there sat my dad.

I hadn't seen him in years, but he'd apparently moved back to California with his family and was there to take me to his new house. My mom had called him. She was done with me.

This isn't a sex story or a porno, so I'm not going into all of the lurid details, but here's the gist: I was 16, a decent looking guitar player, and was angry at the world. My oldest stepsister was 15, pretty hot (to a 16 year old) and was no virgin.

We hadn't seen each other for years, and before that had only seen each other on a handful of holidays when I was flown out to visit. There was no sibling vibe between us. We were hooking up within a week, and it became a pretty regular, almost daily, thing for about a month.

And then, one day, her mom came home from work early. Caught in flagrante delicto. Her mom literally walked into my bedroom and caught us mid-thrust.

To say she had an instant melt-down would be the understatement of the century. Items were thrown. Words were said. My stepsister curled into a little ball and tried to wish herself to death. Not that it mattered...my stepmom was clearly convinced that I'd corrupted and probably raped her innocent daughter.

It was clearly, obviously, all my fault. Shortly after that, my dad came home. That's when my stepmom decided that I needed to go to jail. She wanted to call the police and have me prosecuted for rape. No Romeo and Juliet laws in those days kiddos! My dad, to his credit, jumped to my defense and got me the hell out of there. The next day I was living with my mom again. That situation still sucked, but at least I wasn't being threatened with prosecution.

And then the other shoe dropped. My stepsister was pregnant, and neither she or her mom believed in abortion. So...I was having a baby. My stepmom flipped out all over again, actually called the DA's office, and made a more serious push to get me prosecuted. My dad was completely opposed to it.

Between the stress of the pregnant teen in the house and that fight, their marriage basically disintegrated. The baby was adopted out at birth, and we mostly went our separate ways.

I still see my now-former stepsister occasionally (we still share a common half-sister), and we both agree that it was a dumb thing to do, but that our parents (mostly her mom) made the whole thing so much worse than it had to be. We laugh about the stupidity of the whole thing, but there's definitely one thing that we both feel extremely guilty about.

Our little sister watched her entire family disintegrate over it. She's 26 years old and doesn't seem to resent us for it, but thinking about that still makes me feel like crap...she was the only one of us that had a shot at growing up in a normal 2-parent household, and we took that away from her because we were a couple of horny teenagers.

And before anyone asks, we do not know what happened to the baby. She went to a very good family, but we all agreed that a closed adoption was best for everyone.



Letting Down

Ok so my story. I guess I slept with my step cousin several times over a weekend trip to the river. Her uncle and my mom had been together many years but never got married. I basically grew up with this girl. We were good friends and while we were having fun on the river. Drinking underaged and just doing our version of partying.

We made that move. It wasn't discouraged and honestly it didn't feel weird because we knew each other so well. We never spoke about it or even met again until I heard from her cousin that she died of an overdose on my mom's couch. I always hid or lied about the story until then. I don't know if I should be embarrassed or not but I'm not.

She was a certain type of girl. Never had a father. Always looking for someone to love/care about her. I feel like I let her down in a way. Jesus. I'm oversharing. I'm sorry if what I did was somehow dirty or wrong. I was just a dumb 16yr old.



The Aftermath

When I was 16 I lost my virginity to my 18yo step sister. It felt very similar to a porn type scenario during the teasing and build up, I kept thinking that it wasn't real until we both realized the other was down and we went for it.

The weirdest part about the whole thing is that my brother had sex with her too lol. He was older and they did it first but I didn't care because I was a horny 16 year old and she was my (honestly pretty damn hot) stepsister which felt just taboo enough to be awesome but not so taboo as to be out of the question.

The aftermath for me was really nothing too much, everybody moved on, the sister got married a few years later and has two kids now and I'm living in a different city sand have had plenty of relationships since, serious and otherwise. We don't really talk but we never did unless we were in the same room, and we still get along fine during family gatherings and nothing feels weird.

My brother didn't really handle it as well I don't think, he kind of just pushed that part of the family away but there were other reasons for that too. Nowadays everything is fine but our whole family is kind of distant from each other anyway so it never has a chance to get brought up.

I'm sure my dad knew, he practically caught us once and I think we've talked about it since in kind of roundabout ways. It did give me a strange kick-off for my sexual experiences in the future and definitely shaped some of my preferences and turn ons. Luckily for me porn sites are pretty much *tailor made for my fetishes nowadays.



Always Funny

I have a friend who started dating this girl in college. They’re together a couple years, things are going good, their families meet.

During their relationship, his parents get divorced and his dad starts sleeping with her single mother. Two years later, his dad marries her mother. He. Is. Pissed. But doesn’t break up with gf cause ya know, they still love each other and all that. But now they’ve been together 5-6 years and she’s looking for a ring but he’s freaked out about the whole thing.

I don’t know what to tell him to do about it, but when he brings it up at the bar, I like to loudly recommend that he just go ahead and marry his sister if he loves her. It’s always funny. And it’s probably fine. Probably.



The Brady Bunch

My grandmother is one of 14 kids. They were sort of like a giant Brady bunch. Before she was born, her dad’s wife died, and her mom’s husband died.

They met and got married and had three kids in addition to the kids they both already had. Her half-brother from her dad, and her half sister from her mom, had the tendency to sneak off to the barn together. To be clear, they were my grandmas half-siblings but weren’t related themselves. They were teenagers when their parents married, so I guess it was open game.

The both disappeared one day, and came home a week later and announced they had gotten married. I can only assume it was an awkward family conversation.

They had five children over the years. My grandmas mom was a bit ashamed of the situation for whatever reason. I guess it was somewhat scandalous and made people in the community talk. My grandma always had a hang up about boys and girls playing together after a certain age.

I didn’t realize why until I put it all together later in life. I guess when your brother and sister run off and get married, you become overly suspicious of family members playing in the barn.



Never Say Anything

I met a really hot guy about 2 years older than me, at bar one night. We hit it off and flirted the whole night. about a week later we bumped into each other again and exchanged numbers. We ended up being a couple, a few weeks went by and things were looking good, slept together a few times and everyone was happy.

One night i went out with my dad and his soon to be fiance (my dad had come to me for advice on a ring, they had only been dating for about 6 months), i loved this lady and called her mom, i found out if they married i would have a step sister and a step brother added to my family (we are already 6 sibs), while we were out this woman totally freaked out and almost carried me to the bar in excitement, i thought she had too much to drink and wanted to do shots or some shit.

We get into the bar and she says she wants me to meet her son, taps this dude on the shoulder and when he turns around, its my fucking boyfriend!!!

Best of all she introduces us saying "meet your new brother" to me & "meet your new sister to him", we just stood there staring at each other, burst out laughing and carried on drinking on our own.

Still did it a few times after the families moved in but ended it so our parents could have a shot (our reasoning was that our parents are quite old and might not find someone else & we were young and had our whole lives ahead of us) anyways, he fell in love with my then best friend and i fell in love with someone else too.

Our parents broke up because this woman turned out to be a Karen level 1000, and we have never seen or spoke to each other since. Not sure if our parents knew but pretty sure my dad had an idea, but never said anything.



Sex Is Funny And Love Is Serious

This is the first time I have ever told anyone this.

Got a double response.

A while ago I was at my cousin's wedding. Not in the party but a guest. My direct genetic extended family is tiny as none of us have done much breeding. My adopted cousin was seeing a guy in the military and deployed. I've had a crush on her for like ever but she had never seemed to return it. After the festivities everyone is at a rented lake house and drinking. She's out of her bridesmaid dress and wearing something fit for clubbing.

She has been lamenting her loneliness since the prior day's rehearsal. I've been keeping her company to be nice. Nothing weird. Then after a beer she says how drunk she is and takes me by the hand to the boathouse. She takes out her tits and says she just needs a man right now. I get her drift. I ask about her guy. She says to not worry and just have fun. So here I am with a pretty girl with her tots out, who I've crushed on forever, and she's inviting me to my one chance to fuck her.

I refuse. I tell her I won't play Jody to her fiancé. She got really mad and stormed off.

I refused, but holy hell I so wanted to fuck her.

Second story: same wedding. Uncle has wife he married from overseas. She's Asian Islander and has several sisters, all also there. I hit it off with the youngest sister -- early 30s, petite, Asian looking, generous Ass for her frame. Come the after party we are getting hammered.

She stumbles and asks me to be a nice young man and help her. We end up fucking in someone's bedroom, not even bothering to get properly undressed. Unprotected; stupid, I know, but it was hot.

We banged again when there was a family gathering 9 months later. We sext and have resolved it's just for fun, though I would not be opposed to openly romancing her. I see her a few times a year and we fuck. Nobody else knows and I imagine the secret getting out would make it end in tears. Would recommend, though.



Is Sex Dirty? Only If It's Done Right.

Buckle up cause I have a ride for you.

So I had two friends, they fell in love after meeting on a drunken one night stand. They dated for about two years and decided to get married. Now, the girls family was from Australia so although they'd met each others parents the parents hadn't met before the wedding.

So it gets to the actual wedding day. The Australian family is flown in, the English family is there, everyone is sat down and the wedding proceeds. Straight to the after party and unbeknownst to my friends both sets of parents were in the process of getting divorced. I shit you not as the meal is taking place none of the parents are anywhere to be seen. Me and some of the groomsmen/bridesmaids go hunting for them as the reception was taking place in a huge country villa.

Two bridesmaids find the brides mum and the grooms dad fucking in a toilet upstairs, while at nearly the exact same time me and another groomsmen find the brides dad and the grooms mum stoned off their tits and her sucking him off in the makeup and hair room.

All the bridesmaids and grooms keep it secret until after the wedding when we find out the others had been cheating as well. We'll we loose our collective shit at how funny it is and tell the bride and groom. They are mortified, they just thought theyd been smoking weed as the smell was undeniable. Didn't realise their parents had gone full partnerswap.

Anyway a year later both parents have separated and trying to remarry their opposing number which will make my two friends step siblings twice over. There's four parents trying to convince my two friends to divorce so they can get married and one couple are saying they are gonna get married anyway whether the kids get divorced or not.



Now That's A Story

Oh boy do I have a story to tell this all started when I was 15. This was a long time and my time frame is all jacked so stick with me. Forgive the missing words and spellings, im pretty much vomitting this onto reddit

Dad was divorced and would go visit him during the summer. Second year out he met someone and we met the lady and she was super nice. She was divorced and her kids came the same summer (3 kids, red headed daughter was 16/17 at the time).

First time I met her we were at an amusement park, she had some shitty haircut (I guess it got messed up and she ended up cutting it short) and I thought she was super fucking annoying as the day went on (I was an angst teen). a few weeks later we ended up going to a church function that was held at a water park. Surprise surprise we were the only ones to show up and so we ended up spending the whole day together getting to know her and she was actually pretty cool and could not notice her in a bathing suit.

As the summer went on I noticed that I found her less annoying by the end of the summer I was in love with her. I had no idea how to react or feel about the whole situation and I didn’t know how she felt. The last night before I left to go back home we were downstairs laying on the floor together watching SouthPark and I don’t know where I got the balls but I sat up and leaned over and kissed her and it was welcomed.

We stayed up all night just making out. Before I flew home I went to AZ to hang with my mom and her sister and we did a road trip. The daughter lived in Nevada (she had a connecting flight in AZ) and after my trip I was there long enough to surprise her at the gate (this was way before 9/11). We hung out until she flew out and honestly, we really didn’t talk much. She really didn’t have internet or was big into computers so once in a blue moon I would get an ICQ message from her.

Next summer I came out I had mixed feelings about coming out, our parents got married and I wasn’t sure how to handle the whole situation because I knew I had super strong feelings.

We instant connected like we never left and we started a sexual relationship. Back in my mind I felt super guilty like I was doing something wrong. Half way through the summer I told her I couldnt keep doing this and we were both devastated. What happened next is pretty blurry.

One day we were supposed to go to church and her brother moved her journal and she flipped the fuck out. I thought it was weird and when I came back home I went and searched for it and found it. It talked about how he was fucking some dude when we were messing around. This was probably the first time ive had my heart broken, I went home pissed. Weeks of crying and depression, honestly I don’t remember much about it my brain kind of shut down.

She tried to reach out to me for weeks, emailing me poems and I just deleted them. I graduated from high school and started community college

Over the years we dated others and would come back together and attempt something. She seemed to have a lot of drama and I caused a lot of drama in our relationship dating other women and still messing around with her.

One time she came down to visit me while I was dating a girl ill call girl2, pretty much we determined that it was best that we put an end to our relationship. It was late and I told her she could sleep over, she ended up in my bed (we didn’t do anything) and my gf at the time showed up. It was pretty fucking crazy

Another time while I was dating girl2, I went to the beach with my step sister and I got busted because I left a condom wrapper in my car with a receipt. At this point I have to say, I was not a nice guy. I was actually a really shitty person. I wanted my cake and to eat it too. Step sister stopped talking to me.

Our parents bought a new house and I came up to help paint, she was there and we havent spoke in years. You could feel the connection just when we were in the room and we started seeing each other.  (I was still dating girl2 during this) and I would come up on the weekends to see my dad (aka my step sister). Girl 2 found out again and said I need to tell the stepsister or she was.

So I called my step sister and told her and she was devastated. That night she went to a party, met some guy and started a long term relationship with him. He was in the army and she got pregnant called me one night to tell me and I got super pissed and told her she ruined her life. We didn’t talk for a few years.

Husband had PTSD from serving and their marriage fell apart (she had two kids by then), we started dating when they were in the process of divorcing (I don’t recommend doing that, you become a target). Divorce finalized and we were in a commit relationship.

Our parents' marriage was on the rocks, my dad didn’t like the idea of me dating the step sister. Another event happened and honestly im not sure of all the details. My step sister was living our parents at the time, my step mom was away on a business trip and im not sure but I guess they (my dad and my step sister) were hanging out having some drinks and my dad tried to make a move on her.

She freaks out, pretty much my step mom hears about it and that starts the divorce process.  I am at a point where I don’t feel like the whole story but I take my gf side and pretty lose connection with my dad (at this point the divorce is in full swing). I did some other dumb things while we were dating, im sure it involved another girl. I was still doing shitty things. She took me back multiple times

Then she started nursing school, I supported her 100% trying to help with the kids as she was working full time and going to school full time. She graduates, much cheering and happiness. Started to look at a ring because I felt like I wanted to marry her.

She got a job where she was working til late at night, I was watching the kids one night and wanted to watch a movie on her ipad. When I unlocked it there was an email open from some guy in her nursing class (he was married) that said some really dirty things. I sent the kid to bed and texted her we needed to talk.

She guessed what it was about, I told her I wanted to work through it and that she needed to stop talking to him. She said okay, things were a bit shaky for the next year while I worked on trust, a few months later we were in my apartment.

She was taking a shower and a text came on her phone from him, I asked her if she was still talking to him she said yes I kicked her out. A few weeks later I took her back, she said she wanted me to move in. Start moving my stuff into her place. A few days before im supposed to be out and everything boxes she tells me she isnt ready for me to move in....... im pissed renew my lease but I keep on trucking.

It's now Christmas. We are driving her kids up to their dads. She said she just wanted to spend Christmas by herself and I said sure. Went to my friends, was texting her but no replies and I got worried. Came by, lights off car in the drive way door locked. Tried my key but it would just spin (she fucked with the locks in fear I would come over).

She was with him on Christmas. What happened that I couldn’t really tell you, at some point she came outside because I was screaming at the top of my lungs. I tried to barge in because I wanted to beat his ass.  Thankfully I didn’t.

I ended up going home on Christmas by myself. I came over the next day, saw him drive by as he was leaving and I glared at him. Saw lingerie in the hamper that I have never seen before, figured out this was all planned. Grabbed my toothbrush and left. She tried to call/text me over the last few weeks but she was pretty much dead to me. 

A few weeks after the Christmas event, I turned 30 and ready to turn over a new leaf (I was so fucking done with my 20s and who I was as a person). As much as that above me sucked, it made me realize the cheating I was doing was devastating and in the end im happy it happened to me.

I still think about her from time to time, It took a long time for me to enjoy Christmas and I will admit I still have strong feelings for her. I think we brought out the best and the worst in each other. However I don’t want her in my life period because of all the hurt we have caused each other. I wish her nothing but love and happiness.  Im still close with her mom after everything so our paths cross every once in a while.

Step sister is now married to the dude from the christmas event (now has a kid with him), im a bit disappointed not because its not me but because he wasnt anything impressive and thought she could do way better. But hey its her life.

I am now 36 and in a healthier/happier relationship.



Fun To Do

My mom dating this rancher and her daughter tried to introduce me to sex. She was 14 and I was 10, or thereabouts. We talked about it for a few days before doing it, and one time, while we were sitting up on the branch of a tree in the front yard, she told me to put my hand down her pants, which I did. It was fascinating!

Then, one night, we tried. And nothing really happened. I mean, through a series of games, she eventually got naked and asked me to kiss her all over, which I did. But that was it. After a little while, she asked me if I was tired, and I said I was. The whole thing was exciting, but also a distanced kind of experience, if you know what I mean. I think fondly on it, but I also sometimes wonder what might have happened had we known what we were actually doing.

About a 6/10. Fun to do, but ultimately only helped me to develop a complicated relationship with sex.



Heart Breaking

I met my stepbrother the day before our parents got married. I was 22 and he was 25. I wasn’t close to my dad but wanted to be there for him. My stepbrother was attractive and we clicked immediately at the family luncheon.

That night I met him and some of his friends at a hotel they were staying at to go bar hopping. I overheard him saying “what’s a shirt that says my stepsister is hot as fuck,” We partied that night and had fun, nothing scandalous happened. We did the wedding festivities the next day and I didn’t see him for about 3 months. He was on leave from a deployment and called me asking if I wanted to join him and our parents on a vacation in Key West. My dad randomly married into money and his new wife’s family owned a bunch of hotels.

y stepbrother flew me down the next day and I was put up in a beautiful hotel for the week. We went clubbing the first night and had amazing chemistry. He was staying at the family compound which was on Sunset Key Island off the mainland and had missed the last ferry so he crashed in my room at the hotel. I went out onto the balcony to smoke. He came up behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist.

It felt so wrong but we couldn’t fight it. We spent the next week fucking like animals nearly getting caught by our parents multiple times during the trip. After the vacation he went back to Iraq and we wrote to each other for months. We fell in love. I ended up breaking his heart. We can’t even be in the same room as each other now, he hates me.

We were both only children and both of us wanted a sibling so badly. It breaks my heart that we ruined that for ourselves.



Long-Term Effects

A sexual experience that still negatively affects my relationships today.

Back when i was 15, my mum just started to date this new guy who had a daughter (16) from another marriage. We got on really well and even from the start there was a lot of flirting, but we would never do it in front of our parents.

One day on her dads birthday, we were sat on a hillside next to our house, a bit tipsy from some of the alcohol that we managed to sneak out. I was laid on my back when she moved over and began snogging my face off. We had sex later that evening. I remember a lot of the winter that year was us just waiting for our parents to leave for a date night so we could just go at it. It was one of the happiest times of my life, until the wedding.

The wedding itself, i believe is the reason all this ended. Both our family's seemed to be over the top with talking about how great a brother and sister we make and combining this with the marriage itself made it feel more real this time and unnatural.

She was always incredibly anxious about what would happen to her if her dad found out, and one night a couple of days after the wedding she told me that we should stop. I can only remember feeling numb. The difficulty of putting on a fake smile when trying to play happy family and act like nothing happened.

I'm 29 now and have not been able to enjoy sex as much as i did then, which has affected all my relationships to date. I cannot replicate the forbidden intimacy, and i don't know how to solve it.



Keep It Alive

Oh! Oh! Finally a good one I can tell about. And it’ll get buried.

Note: I’m gay. He’s (step-brother) a straight, macho grease monkey type and always has been.

I convinced him one day to allow me to help him put on a condom because he had no idea how to do this (we were young at the time). And one thing led to another and I was giving him a handjob. He had the most beautiful dick.

For years I would give him head and jack him off. Probably until we were 16. He would even request that I do it, so it’s not like I was pushing it on him!

Eventually we moved on with our lives and nothing is weird between us now. He has a kid and a girlfriend. That’s it. It’s just the past now. But I’d do it again if he wanted it.



We Read Everything

This will probably get buried and no one will read it.

2 stories from my wife's family.

Step-sister at one time or another has fucked all three of her adopted brothers. They were older adoptees and cousins so technically family. It's an open secret. Everyone knows except her parents. No fall out. Everyone just moved on.

Wife's uncle married his step daughter after his wife (her mother) died. He was well in his 40s she was 18 and grew up from quite a young age in his care. Her reason for doing so was to prevent her older siblings from being split up. Instead she blew the family apart. She became stepmother to her own siblings. She also had kids with her stepfather/husband so her kids were half brothers to some of the kids, step brothers/uncles to the other.

Marriage lasted until she died rather prematurely.



An Intimate Moment

First of all, - just for some background: My Mum died right when I was born, (she was actually really, really hot- but this isn't about her. I guess that's fucked up to say, but whatever.) I actually grew up with my dad's family, because my dad has all sorts of emotional issues and he bailed before I was born. So you can see, my childhood was really kind of messed up.

Anyways, growing up I feel like there was always a lot of distance between me and my sister. When I was about 17 or 18 I first noticed that my sister was a hottie.

I don't want to go into too many details about it, but basically what happened is that I accidentally found a video that she made of herself. I knew she didn't make it for me- but I thought she was so fucking beautiful that I watched it twice.

I probably would have watched it a hell of a lot more, except that like right around the time I found the video, all this crazy shit went down and I had to leave home. (My dad's family who I was staying with got in bad trouble with the law. I never talk about it).

Sooo... I was totally lusting after my sister at that point. She was also having bad trouble with the law. She was actually in custody when I left home.

My friend and I went to go pick her up. When I saw her that day, after seeing the video, I have to be honest, I just wanted to fuck her brains out. Looking back on it now, it's pretty messed up- but I think she had feelings for me too. She actually kissed me right after we came to get her... and it wasn't a sisterly kiss, you know? I mean, it wasn't like ridiculously sexual or anything, but it definitely wasn't sisterly.

After we left, we all went to crash with my Sister's friends. On the trip there, my friend sort of implied that he wanted to get with my Sister, and I got a little jealous. He's a good looking guy- and even though she was my sister- I just felt like he was competition.

Not much else happened between us for a while except some maybe-sexy hugging. Pretty much everyone in my life at that point was wanted by the government, so we all moved around a lot. I'm not saying that I'm proud of it or anything, but it was kind of an awesome time.

My friend and my sister never hooked up I don't think- but I thought there was some serious sexual tension going on between them. It was around that time that I got really badly hurt in an accident. It was fucked up. I almost died. But when I was in recovery my sister came to see me, and out of the clear blue sky she started gives me this awesome, slow, passionate kiss on the lips.

Sadly (although, I guess for the best) nothing ever came of it. We spent some time apart... and I started to get really religious, so I tried not to think of her that way. It was actually going well for a long time- like I was totally over her.

But I have to say, like a year or so after all that stuff went down, we were out sailing (not like a date or anything romantic like that), and she was wearing like the hottest bikini I've ever fucking seen and it brought back all the old feelings. Sigh.

A little while later she actually wound up with my friend from before (the sexual tension guy). I can't say I was surprised. But even after she was shacking up with my friend, there was one time we were at a party... my friend was inside, and my sister and I were outside alone.

It was a really intimate moment. I think something might have happened, except that I killed the mood when I told her that Darth Vader was our father and that I had to go face him.



I'd Go There Again

I was 16 when my aunt was dating a dude with two daughters. The younger of the two was 14 and we started fooling around when we were all staying at my grandparent's farm, the day we met. She gave me some head down by the river and then we had sneaky sex in the bathroom that night when everyone was asleep.

My aunt later married that dude so the girl is kind of like a step-cousin now.

Sly jabs have been made to us both over the years by our other cousins but it was innocent kid stuff nearly 30 years ago. They live a long way from me and we've only seen each other once a couple years ago at my grandmother's funeral. We got to stand next to each other for the big "cousins" photo, where we flirted a bit and assured each other "we're not real cousins".

I'm in a relationship but if I was single I'd go there again. She's cute as.



The Break-Up

I'm late to the party, but I had a relationship with my step brother in high school. He moved in with us when I was 16, he was 17.

A few months after he moved in, he started flirting with me big time. We went out one night to get out of the house with my mom's car and things just sort of happened. We started hooking up at every opportunity. I was pretty sure my step-dad knew while it was going on but he never said anything to either of us. A few of our friends knew and were pretty weirded out by it, but I think they eventually got used to it.

We had a super physical and emotional relationship for like 6 months, then one day brought a girl home and it was just over. I was devastated. It was so awful having no choice but to see them together when I was home and couldn't escape. I think that made the break-up so much harder.

He graduated and moved out, and broke up with the new gf. I went a little wild men-wise which helped me to finally move on. We hooked up a few more times when I was in college, but that point I knew that nothing would ever come out of it other than good sex. A few years back at a family gathering we had to run out to get more ice, and while we were out he propositioned me. I turned him down since I was dating my now-husband and I'm no cheater. But there honestly was a part of me that was tempted.

Besides the shitty break-up, there were really no long term consequences. We never got caught, which looking back is super surprising. We used to have sex all the time all over the place, since we had access to each other pretty much 24/7. I don't regret any of it, but I definitely do not go around and tell people about it.



A Tumultuous Relationship

Alright, this is a long one.

I had a eff’d up relationship with my stepsister. About 10 years after our parents divorced we ran into each other at a local watering hole.

We caught up and made plans to go see a live band at bar in the big town about 45 mins away with one of the other sisters and a few other people.

The plan was to get a room at the hotel next to the bar that way nobody had to drink/drive back home.

So we go have a good time, more catching up, talking about old good/bad times. But the others called it quits before me and her wanted to, so we took the extra room key and said we’d be quite coming in.

We sat alone and had a dance or two together, I didn’t think too much of it because I can be dim when it comes to women some times. She kisses me and then I remember, “don’t you have a BF??” She says. “Yeah, but he’s not here and neither are anyone we know.”

I rolled with it because I used to be a kind of scummy. Things escalated to the N’th degree and we decided to get a room of our own and tell the others that we couldn’t remember which room they were at in the morning. She was unbelievably hot and we had the most animalistic sex you can imagine and that continued for a few months. But as I spent more time with her and her family, her kids got very attached to me. Their father had died a few years beforehand, and her BF hadn’t stepped up to be a father figure, a role they quickly assigned to me.

I loved them as if they were my own, and she found that irresistible. She broke things off with her BF and moved in with me.

But as hard as things rose, they fell even harder. We argued all the time about the same things. She had to have a complete hysterectomy due to complications from her last pregnancy, so she couldn’t have any more children and felt guilty about not being able to give me a child. I didn’t (and still don’t) want children of my own, but she wouldn’t be convinced of that.

After having that argument ten too many times I left, I packed my things in the back of my truck and took a very needed trip to see family out of state and did my college internship and gave her a couple months to move out of my house.

TLDR: Had a tumultuous relationship about 10 years after our parents divorced. Became Dad to her kids. Broke everyone’s hearts because it wasn’t meant to be.




Me and my EX-BF has a threesome with his step-sister, while being fairly drunk. They got the idea and asked me, and I was like "sure".

The aftermath was worse for me and me EX-BF, as he became very very ashamed of it and didn't want to talk about it or mention it at all, and also forbid me from telling anybody. Oh, but this was only after he bragged to his friends about it, lied about who it was with and send them a picture of another friend of mine, who he had met only once before and had nothing to do with it.

Aftermath; a big fight between me & my ex-bf with lots of regret on his side but no one in the family found out, and my step-sister is totally cool with it.



Everything Counts

Does ex-step brother count?

Our parents were married for about a year when we were children. They were still together off and on here and there after the divorce and it resulted in me having 3 siblings that are my ex step-dad's/my mom's kids. They're not dating anymore as of about 10 years or maybe even longer but are very good at co-parenting and get along.

I really hadn't seen my ex step-brother since a couple years after his dad/my mom's divorce because at that point he graduated high school and moved out and just never really came around... I'd probably see him once every year or so.

He's worked with his dad at his shop since he could start working basically. I needed a job and my ex step-dad offered me one to come down to the shop where they worked so I accepted of course.

That's when I fell in love. I worked around him all the time so he was the person I talked to most some days. Not to mention when you work around someone all the time you express your interests and we had a lot in common and just clicked. When I turned 21 I went out to see him play in his band and we ended up having sex. It was a wild ride from there but we now have 2 kids, a house, and are planning to get married soon when we're out of debt, etc.

Hopefully this wasn't confusing!


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