98% Of Americans Fail This 4th Of July Spelling Test
98% Of Americans Fail This 4th Of July Spelling Test
Are you an American grammar hammer?
Are you an American grammar hammer?

Pick the correct spelling:
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick the correct spelling:
Pick the correct spelling:
Aced it!! You got 15/15!!
Aced it!! You got 15/15!!
You are at the top of your game. We gave this test to 100 Americans and 98 failed. Your score indicates patience, diligence, and extraordinary IQ range (151-158). Share the quiz to challenge your friends. Happy forth of July!!
You totally flunked this 4th of July spelling challenge!! Try again, and share it with every American you know.