Can You Crack These Hard Christmas Riddles By Yourself?
Can You Crack These Hard Christmas Riddles By Yourself?
"Aren’t we forgetting the true meaning of Christmas. You know, the birth of Santa?"
"Aren’t we forgetting the true meaning of Christmas. You know, the birth of Santa?"
I come with many colors, so beautiful and bright, I turn so many houses into a beautiful sight. What am I?
I am a catchy carol and a tune which likes to rhyme, I contain 12 grand gifts that come around Christmas time. What am I?
I get chopped, decorated and on one end you’ll see wings on top. What am I?
What do you look forward to that’s filled with stuff and that looks like a giant persons sock?
Santa was unable to walk, so he went to the doctor. What did the doctor prescribe?
What would an apple and a Christmas tree get if they had a baby?
If otters keep their money in riverbanks, where does the Frosty the Snowman keep his money?
What kind of laundry detergent does Santa use?
What does the snowman get when he itches his dandruff?
Why are men afraid of Christmas?