Merely 2 In 45 Americans Completed These 30 Sentences
Merely 2 In 45 Americans Completed These 30 Sentences
Homonyms are sets of words that have the same spelling but different meanings and origins. Can you pass this tricky Homonym Test?
Homonyms are sets of words that have the same spelling but different meanings and origins. Can you pass this tricky Homonym Test?

The top of the house was made up of odd angles and a sloping _____.
There is no path to guide us out of this dismal _____.
The loss of his two friends had a depressing _____ upon old Jackson.
We got a machine that _____ cotton.
They _____ the hours of sunshine.
I climbed up into the loft and threw down the _____ for her.
We can fight all the better now the _____ is in the open.
Run down the _____ to help dad with the groceries!
He took out a handful of some whitish stuff, like _____ or putty.
If there was a road, I could not make it out in the _____ starlight.
Could you give me a full explanation on how to _____ the dough?
He started the horse off at a _____.
I got my dog a new _____ ID.
He _____ experience.
The stream crushed and _____ against the opposite shore.
In most cases, it's better to be _____ on meter than on frontage.
An _____ is also a small hole edged with embroidered stitches as part of a design.
When at last the _____ and tools were assembled, Johnny took off his coat and settled down to work.
This is a disaster. They gave us a _____ warning.
This man is completely _____.
There are no mice in the air, I'm afraid, but you might catch a _____, and that's like a mouse with wings.
The Queen wishes to _____ her will.
Her sister, Miss Watson, a tolerable old _____, had just come to live with us.
He remained as serious and _____ in behavior as he had been when the meeting began.
The mother's voice gave as cordial an _____ as did the daughter's eyes.
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WOW!! You totally nailed it!!
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You totally flunked it!!
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