No One Can Score 19/19 In This Impossible English Spelling Test
No One Can Score 19/19 In This Impossible English Spelling Test
We gave this test to 40 high school student and NO ONE got more than 9/19 correctly. Can you?
We gave this test to 40 high school student and NO ONE got more than 9/19 correctly. Can you?

When people are asked to assess something, they need to _____ it.
An even score at the end of a ballgame is a _____.
Her sarcasm will _____ a negative response.
An impartial man is ______.
The senator's legislation _____ equal opportunities for all.
If it is permitted, it is _____.
A young deer, especially one less than a year old, is called a _____.
You must read the _____ to this special cookery book.
To defuse means to _____.
To make a difference is to _____.
A _____ of 50 man snaked its way down the street.
My mother loves to _____ her new clothes.
To recommend something is to _____.
The _____ of her still fills me with fury.
So _____ did you kiss last night at the party?
I'll have the egg _____ omelet.
A passage between rows of seats is an _____.
My father spent hours _____ over his books.
Are you a member of the City _____?
Congrats!! You got 19/19!!
Congrats!! You got 19/19!!
You are a genius!! Good job!!
This test was given to 40 high school students and no one got more than 9/19 correctly, which means no one passed. You, on the other hand, got a PERFECT score. You should be proud of yourself. People who score this high are perfectionists. They are seekers of ultimate truths. You must have intense emotions and a childlike sense of wonder.
SHARE your remarkable score with everyone you know.
Wow!! You got 18/19!!
Wow!! You got 18/19!!
You are one of a kind!! Keep it up!!
This test was given to 40 high school students and no one got more than 9/19 correctly, which means no one passed. You, in contrast, got 18/19. People with your language skills enjoy challenging themselves on a daily basis and have a penchant for risk-taking. Do you?
SHARE your amazing score with everyone you know.
Fabulous!! You got 17/19!!
Fabulous!! You got 17/19!!
You are exceptional!! Well done!!
This test was given to 40 high school students and no one got more than 9/19 correctly, which means no one passed. But you got 17/19!!
SHARE your outstanding score with everyone you know.
You failed:(
You failed:(
You totally failed this one. Give it another shot, and SHARE it with everyone you know. They'd be grateful:) We promise...