Nobody Can Score 15/15 In This Basic Jesus Test
Nobody Can Score 15/15 In This Basic Jesus Test
Only 8% of college students can answer more than 10 of these questions correctly.
Only 8% of college students can answer more than 10 of these questions correctly.
If you've never taken a test about the journey of Jesus of Nazareth, it's never too late. Everybody should know the answers to these very basic questions about Jesus but only 8% of college students can score 10/15. Can you beat these odds?
How many disciples did Jesus have?
Where was Jesus baptized?
At what age did Jesus begin his ministry?
B.C. stands for:
How many books are in the New Testament?
Jesus was born in _____.
When was Jesus born?
What was Jesus’ occupation before entering public ministry?
How many people did Jesus feed with five loaves of bread and two fish?
Jesus walked on what body of water?
What are the main sources for the biography of Jesus?
What was the first miracle Jesus performed in his ministry?
Jesus' prediction that one of his apostles will betray him was _____.
After Jesus was arrested, who disowned him three times?
In what year was Jesus Crucified?
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