Only 4% Of The Population Will Pass A High School Biology Test
Only 4% Of The Population Will Pass A High School Biology Test
Can you pass a high school biology exam? Take this test to find out.
Can you pass a high school biology exam? Take this test to find out.

The two main groups into which cells are classified are _____.
An individual human person has _____ chromosomes.
Is a frog a vertebrate?
Two mature germ cells fuse to form a _____ in sexual reproduction.
What does survival of the fittest mean?
The largest living natural structure is _____.
Molds, yeasts and mushrooms are types of _____.
The common cold is a type of _____.
The first mammal to be cloned was named _____.
What do we call the DNA of an organism that changes its state and becomes a new form?
What is Ecology the study of?
What’s the largest organ of the human body?
In seahorses, which gender carries the young?
The smallest cell in the human body is _____.
The main cell in plants is called _____.
You are a biological genius!
You are a biological genius!
You’re a biological genius. You know everything there is to know about the human body and our biological form. You know how many chromosomes you have, and you understand the difference between a white blood cell and a red blood cell. You also know that two mature germ cells fuse to form a zygote, and that the largest organ of the human body is skin. Cellular structures get you excited, and if you’re not a doctor you should definitely consider becoming one. Share the news with everyone you know.
You passed!
You passed!
Good going! You passed your biology high school exam and now you're ready to go to college. You didn't quite get an A+ but you sure passed. You probably know what the common cold is, and what the smallest cell in the human body is... but you might not know what a zygote is. A career in medicine might be right for you, but please hit your biology books first.
You just flunked this biology exam!
You just flunked this biology exam!
You just flunked this biology exam. You were too busy flirting in high school instead of studying. Don’t stress too much about it, though. Science was never your strong point anyway. You would be better off in the arts department.