Only People With High IQ Can Pass This Encrypted Spelling Test

Can you get 15/15 correctly?

Terry Stein
Created by Terry Stein
On Jan 14, 2018

You nailed it!!

You nailed it!!

C0N6R475!! Y0U 4R3 47 7H3 70P 0F Y0UR 64M3. 0NLY 1% 0F 4M3R1C4N5 C4N P455 7H15 7357, 4ND Y0U 4C3D 17!!
Y0U 7H1NK 5K3P71C4LLY, 4ND Y0U 533 P4773RN5 WH3R3 M057 P30PL3 C4NN07. Y0UR 5C0R3 1ND1C4735 P4713NC3, D1L163NC3, 4ND 4N 1Q R4N63 0F 148-165.
5H4R3 7H15 C0NFU51N6 5P3LL1N6 7357 1F Y0U C4N R34D 7H15 M355463.



You totally failed this confusing spelling test. You MUST give yourself another shot. Please...

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