Solve These 10 Riddles If You're A Genius

Terry Stein
Created by Terry Stein
On Aug 22, 2021
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If you want to ace this challenging riddle drill, there is no method but to be very intelligent. If you score 10/10, you are officially a genius! Buckle up, and let's do this!

1 / 10

I start with M, end with X, and have a never ending amount of letters. What am I?

2 / 10

A bakery had 3 pies cut into eighths. Three-quarters of all pieces were sold. How many were not sold?

3 / 10

What is three-fifths of 50?

4 / 10

I am not a holiday. I belong in the month of December, but not in any other month. What am I?

5 / 10

Mr. Rogers has four daughters. Each of his daughters has one brother. How many children does Mr. Rogers have?

6 / 10

What is the tree that we all carry in our hand?

7 / 10

What month do all soldiers hate?

8 / 10

What begins but has no end and is the ending of all that begins?

9 / 10

If Jack's father is Brian, then Brian is the _____ of Jack's father.

10 / 10

Why are there no living cats on Mars?

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