This Psychology Questionnaire Can Accurately Determine Your Gender
This Psychology Questionnaire Can Accurately Determine Your Gender
Let's try to penetrate the mystery of our origin
Let's try to penetrate the mystery of our origin
This unique psychological questionnaire from the 1980s can easily determine your gender. It has an unbelievably high accuracy rate. The only question is if you're brave enough to take a stab at it. So, what are you waiting for?
Do you have a lucky number?
Do you read books on a daily basis?
Do you smoke marijuana?
Do you have a sweet tooth or a savory tooth?
In your opinion, which is worse: abused children or abused animals?
On a day-to-day basis, are you spontaneous?
Do you enjoy discussing politics?
Would you be willing to adopt a child?
Are you younger or older than most of your friends?
Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer?
Does the idea of spending a Friday night by yourself bother you?
Do you ever eat in bed?
Is military force the most effective way to fight terrorism?
Has your country gone far enough in its efforts to protect the environment?
At what time do you prefer to get up in the morning?
Overall, do you spend more money on clothes or food?
And finally, do you know why manhole covers are round?
You are a man
You are a man
According to the Psychological Personality Test, you are definitely a man. You are outwardly calm, but tend to hide a lot of nerves on the inside. You are artistic, shy, and conscientious, and your friends find you sensitive and trustworthy.
Click below to share your results.
You are a woman
You are a woman
According to the psychological personality test, you are definitely a woman. You are goal-oriented and strong-minded. When you start a task, you don’t stop until it’s completed, and completed well. You are a daring individualist, and you find your own way in life.
Click below to share your results.
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So how much did you like this quiz?