Fitness Movie Quiz
Fitness Movie Quiz
How well do you know movies about sports and fitness?
How well do you know movies about sports and fitness?
![The Allrounder](
Which mountain is the setting for Touching The Void?
What year did the first Karate Kid movie come out?
Which category did Flashdance win an Oscar for in 1984?
According to the press, what is Drago's nickname?
What is Ayrton Senna’s native country?
What was the last film that Bruce Lee appeared in?
What's the name of the Baseball team managed by Tom Hanks in A League Of Their Own?
What crop does Ray plough to build his baseball field?
Dogtown and Z-Boys follows the exploits of which skateboarding team?
The main characters in Chariots Of Fire are competing in the Olympics in which city?
Why is Ali stripped of his boxing license, passport and title?
Pumping Iron focuses on a rivalry between Arnold Schwarzenegger and which bodybuilder
Invictus is set during the Rugby World Cup of which year
The film covers the running career of which athlete?
What happens to Derice when he is trying out for the Olympics as a sprinter?